2020 TelSoc AGM
Thursday, 29th October 2020
The TelSoc Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Thursday 29th October. It will take place between 12:00 and 1:30pm online via Zoom.
I am pleased to say we have an interesting speaker:
The speaker at the AGM is Associate Professor Mark Gregory, Managing Editor of Telsoc’s Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy. Mark’s talk will provide an update on the Journal and excellent news about its recent ranking by Scopus and a brief review of the state of the Australian Telecommunications Market. Dr Gregory is an expert on broadband, telecommunications and security and appears regularly on radio and TV as well as writing many thought-provoking articles published in the media.
Please make a special effort to join what will be TelSoc's first AGM conducted 100% remotely.
(The Victorian Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 permits a quorum and voting to be established by technological means).
We will be conducting the AGM first (at 12 noon) including election of the board, please join a few minutes early for registration (Financial Members only!). Please note the [3]Board Nomination Form is awaiting [3]!
But, you don't have to become a Board Member to volunteer to assist with lectures, blogging, networking events, etc.
Any TelSoc Member interested, please contact me: tim.herring@telsoc.org [4] or 04 1733 9883
Date and Time
Thu, 29 Oct 2020
11:45 - 13:30 AEDT
PhD, 2008, RMIT, MEng, 1992, RMIT, BEng (Elec)(Hons), 1984, UNSW
2017 RMIT Media Star of the Year (Public Policy), 2016 RMIT Media Star of the Year (Science, Engineering and Health College), 2015 Outstanding Good Teaching Scale award for EEET1152 Network Services and Internet Applications, 2014 RMIT Media Star of the Year (Public Policy Commentator), 2013 Australian Defence Medal .... etc.
Financial Members of TelSoc only please!
Topic: TelSoc Annual General Meeting
Time: Thursday 29 October 2020 at 12:00 noon Melbourne time
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84993335698?pwd=czRVczVveHZ1Qk5UdkxuRk9YSHIxZz09 [5]