Broadband Futures Forum: Affordability of Broadband Services
Wednesday, 25th August 2021
How can the objective of affordability of broadband services for all Australian citizens, particularly those on lower incomes, be realised in the emerging world of fixed and mobile services? What is the nature and extent of the problem and what are possible approaches, short- and long-term? How can affordability be defined and measured? Can the matter be left to the retail market to address? If a solution requires regulation, what sort of regulation and at what level in the market? Or is this a matter for social policy solutions by the Government? This forum will be addressed by representatives of the Australian Communication Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), a long-standing advocate for action on affordability; NBN Co., which is consulting about a possible package for low-income users; and community and retail service provider perspectives.
John Burke, Convenor, TelSoc Broadband Futures Group
Teresa Corbin, ACCAN: Teresa will present ACCAN’s position with reference to their publication No Australian Left Offline [3], standards of affordability and approaches of pricing and concessions.
Ken Walliss, NBN Co.: Ken will present NBN’s consideration of affordability issues, with partcilar reference to their current consultations on a low-income pricing package as outlined in Pricing Review 2021 Consultation Paper 1 [4] (p15-16)
Johanna Mithen, North East Healthy Communities: North East Healthy Communities works in partnership with organisations across north east Melbourne such as community health and local government to improve health and wellbeing, especially amongst communities experiencing disadvantage. Johanna will share insights from partner organisations about the challenges of staying connected with clients and community members using digital technology during Covid-19 restrictions. The affordability of mobile data and the problem of “running out of data” will be discussed.
Andrew Whelan, Start Broadband: Andrew will discuss his experience with a retail service provider engaging with to users getting into broadband for the first time, including those with affordability issues.
Register via Eventbrite by clicking the "Book a Seat" button or via the link: [5]
Zoom joining instructions will be provided to registered attendees via email on the evening prior to the event.
Date and Time
Wed, 25 Aug 2021
12:00 - 13:45 AEST

Teresa Corbin, CEO Australian Communications Consumer Action Network
Teresa Corbin is a co-founder and now CEO of ACCAN, Australia's peak body for communications consumers. She has many years of experience working in telecommunications policy both in Australia and internationally. Teresa is a director on the Board of the International Telecommunications Users Group (INTUG). In Australia she currently sits on several bodies including the ACMA Consumer Consultative Forum and she chairs Standards Australia's Consumer Policy Committee. In 2015, she was awarded the Charles Todd Medal by the Telecommunications Society for having made an outstanding contribution in recent years. Teresa holds a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Linguistics from La Trobe University and is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Ken Walliss, Executive General Manager, Commercial, NBN Co
Ken is an experienced telecommunications executive with wide experience in commercial, government, regulation and consulting. He is particularly focused on the interaction between market competition, innovation, and government policy and regulation.

Johanna Mithen, Social Inclusion Project Manager, North East Healthy Communities
Johanna has a background in public health research and practice. As the Social Inclusion Project Manager for North East Healthy Communities, she supports partnerships for prevention across north east Melbourne. She has a strong interest in understanding complex problems, and finding upstream solutions that lead to greater social and health equity. North East Healthy Communities is the primary care partnership for Darebin, Banyule and Nillumbik.
Andrew Whelan, Managing Director, Start Broadband
Andrew is the co-founder and Managing Director of Start Broadband, a social enterprise telecommunications provider who support low-income Australian’s getting online at home.
Prior to his time with Start, Andrew held senior management roles with major retail telecommunications providers across Australia and the United Kingdom.