SBM-SA: A Safety Beacon Message Separation Algorithm for Privacy Protection in Internet of Vehicles
A safety beacon message (SBM) plays a pivotal role in the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), broadcasting crucial events and road conditions to nearby vehicles. Given the sensitive nature of the data, such as vehicle identity and location, ensuring privacy is paramount. The significance of this research lies in addressing the pressing need for comprehensive privacy protection in the IoV, especially as most existing schemes focus on safeguarding either vehicle identity or location data during exchanges with core servers. The primary objective of this article is to introduce an SBM separation algorithm, termed SBM-SA, designed to holistically protect both identity and location data. Utilising correlation analysis, the SBM-SA stands as an innovative anonymisation privacy algorithm. Through a simulated IoV environment, the accuracy and efficacy of an SBM-SA are meticulously analysed and juxtaposed against prevailing privacy protection schemes. The findings underscore the SBM-SA’s potential to significantly enhance privacy measures in the IoV. Implications of this research extend to shaping future privacy protection strategies of the SBM, emphasising the need for holistic and robust solutions in an increasingly interconnected vehicular landscape.
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