POSTPONED: TELSOC FREE VIRTUAL EVENT: Report on the Telecommunications Sector Resilience Profile
Huon Curtis and Chloe Harpley
Wednesday, 31st July 2024
Unfortunately, we will not be able to proceed with the Event as planned on 31 July 2024. We need to postpone. Please stay tuned for the details of the rescheduled event later this year.
Apologies to all members for any inconvenience.
Huon Curtis and Chloe Harpley, from the Australian National University’s Tech Policy and Design Centre will discuss their work on developing the Australian Telco Sector’s first in depth profile of resilience readiness and consequence management capability. The outcomes of their work and the tools the centre has developed to support the industry in improving resilience management and response across the phases of disruption management.
About the presenters.
Huon Curtis was the lead researcher of the Resilience in the Telecommunications Sector Profile at the ANU Tech Policy Design Centre.
Huon has worked extensively in think tanks and applied policy research domains, including at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute and University of Sydney.
He has led other research and strategy projects of national significance in emerging technology, industry, skills and economic policy, including for the Department of Defence, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Chloe Harpley is an emerging specialist in public policy, focusing on resilience, all-hazards risk management, and telecommunications. A product of diverse education in anthropology, law, policy, and data, she is known for her lateral thinking. Chloe's experience includes successful advocacy, research, and project management in complex policy areas such as critical infrastructure and disaster response.
Recently, she was seconded for 18 months to the ANU Tech Policy Design Centre, where she managed the Telecommunications Sector Resilience Profile project, a pioneering initiative funded by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.
As the founder of the Books for the Bush School Crisis Appeal, Chloe supports bushfire-affected students, teachers, families, and communities across Australia, highlighting her commitment to equity and resilience. She holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from the ANU, where she was a Tuckwell Scholarship recipient, and a Graduate Certificate in Policy and Data from the University of Canberra.
In her current role, Chloe has enhanced her skills in stakeholder engagement, complex problem-solving, and critical thinking, always bringing creative flair and a positive attitude to her work.
Date and Time
Wed, 31 Jul 2024
12:00 - 14:00 AEST