Metadata in the Networked Society
MNSI Public Forum and Launch
Thursday, 14th May 2015
This public forum aims to critically examine the concept of metadata and its potential advantages and disadvantages in fashioning the networked society. The forum will bring together a panel to define metadata, explore its uses and probe its limitations.
Many applications can make use of metadata. It is particularly useful in the aggregate, supporting the development of innovative services. In a networked society, it is metadata that powers connectivity and is essential to the emerging Internet of Things. Examples include the ability to monitor and manage the flow of people and traffic in a city based on mobile phone metadata, and supporting network planning through the accurate mapping of demand. Yet these benefits must be balanced as the increased use, aggregation and access to metadata presents concerns relating to security, privacy and potential for misuse.
The panelists include:
- Vish Nandlall, Chief Technology Officer, Telstra
- Peter Leonard, Partner, Gilbert + Tobin Lawyers
- John Stanton, CEO, Communications Alliance
- Prof Thas Nirmalathas, Director, Melbourne Networked Society Institute
The forum also provides an opportunity to officially launch the Melbourne Networked Society Institute (MNSI) - [3]. The Melbourne Networked Society Institute will be officially launched by the Hon Adem Somyurek, Minister for Small Business, Innovation and Trade.
Read more [4].
Note: this event has been organised by the MNSI and advertised for the interest of TelSoc members.
Date and Time
Thu, 14 May 2015
17:00 - 18:30 AEST
Chief Technology Officer, Telstra
Partner, Gilbert + Tobin Lawyers
CEO, Communications Alliance
Director, Melbourne Networked Society Institute