Editorial -- Special Issues
This editorial introduces the June issue, which includes a main Special Issue section on Digital Technologies and Innovation, as well as papers from the general submissions. It includes a list of future Special Issues that have been announced.
Special Issue: Digital Technologies and Innovation
This number of the Journal consists mainly of a Special Issue on Digital Technologies and Innovation. This topic was proposed by the Guest Editors, Rim Jallouli, Mohamed Anis Bach Tobji, Gunnar Piho and Hamid Mcheick, through their association with the International Conference on Digital Economy. I would like to thank them for their sustained efforts – and, especially, the leadership of Professor Jallouli – which have brought to publication 12 papers on a wide range of topics related to the digital economy. Their Guest Editorial (Jallouli et al., 2022 [5]) provides some context for the Special Issue and an overview of the content.
Elsewhere in This Issue
We also include several papers from our general submissions.
We publish a Special Interest paper, University Students’ Engagement with Devices and Technology: A Comparison of Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Student Use, and a timely Public Policy paper, Regional Mobile Telecommunications Access, Competition and Public Benefits.
In our Telecommunications section, we have one paper: a Study on Fixed and Dynamic Spectrum Access Models for Cellular Networks.
In the Biography section, we publish an obituary of John Almgren, a significant industrialist and philanthropist in Australia and a strong supporter of TelSoc (the Telecommunications Association Inc, publisher of this Journal).
Future Special Issues
Guest Editors and Special Issues have a long history with this Journal and its predecessor, the Telecommunication Journal of Australia. They permit us to widen our perspectives on subjects within the broad scope of the Journal and allow us to treat a timely or important topic in greater depth. They have often become our most cited issues and are considered to deliver exceptional value to Journal readers.
Two future Special Issues have been announced:
AI-Driven Internet Technologies for Future Smart Cities. Submissions are due by 31 August 2022 and the papers will be published in volume 10, number 4, in December 2022;
Women’s Participation in the Digital Economy and Digital Society. Submissions are due by 31 January 2023 and the papers will be published in volume 11, number 2, in June 2023.
Further details are available in the Announcements on the website.
As always, we encourage you to consider submitting articles to the Journal and we welcome comments and suggestions on which topics or special issues would be of interest. Feedback on the current Special Issue and each future one would, of course, also be welcome.
Jallouli, R., Bach Tobji, M. A., Piho, G., & Mcheick, H. (2022). Guest Editorial: Digital Technologies and Innovation. Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, 10(2), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.18080/jtde.v10n2.590 [6]