Authored by Graham Shepherd

Rod Sims presentation to NBN Rebooted conference: "The ACCC agrees ... with the Vertigan conclusion that ... disaggregation of NBN Co ... would, for the first time in Australian experience, put in place a market structure that has the potential for effective infrastructure-based competition through leveraging existing assets. The present opportunity to shape the future market structure through...

19th November 2014

2 2,408 329

Authored by Gary McLaren

I am surprised by how often I am told that broadband should be just treated like our other utilities such as electricity, gas, water and (of course) sewers.  Marc Andressen, founder of Netscape, explained this better than anyone else back in February 2014. As this twitter post so graphically describes, the extreme growth in applications and uses of broadband make it most unlike other utilities....

11th November 2014

1 2,280 386

Authored by Gary McLaren

At TelSoc's AGM I presented on the need for Australia to increase its relative ranking on the international broadband league tables. We are well behind our peers in the OECD. This is not good enough if we want to be global players in the "Digital Networked" economy. In my view we can only improve our ranking if we have an industry structure that drives fibre deeper and closer to the end user....

29th October 2014

0 988 205

Authored by Mike Quigley

It is an honour to receive the Charles Todd award this evening, which I would like to do on behalf of all of the people of NBN Co, who have put so much of themselves into building the foundations of the NBN over the last few years.   I would also like to recognise the efforts of Peter Harris and his team, in what was DBCDE (Department of Broadband Communications and Digital Economy) before it was...

2nd December 2013

0 1,555 244

Authored by Peter Gerrand

Go to the following link:  Peter Gerrand: The Coalition?s NBN policy is a triumph of short-termism over long-term vision

10th April 2013

0 1,212 213

Authored by Mike Quigley

It is an honour to be here today giving this Charles Todd Memorial Oration in the company of many of Australia?s telecommunications leaders. When, many months ago, I accepted the invitation to speak here today little did I know that it would be just a few days before a Federal election, the outcome of which will have a profound impact on our industry. But here I am, the CEO of the company...

18th August 2010

0 1,489 236