TelSoc proposes to make links to published online obituaries for prominent past members of the Australian telecommunications industry, and invites members to draw them to our attention.
Here is an initial list, in alphabetical order:
John Almgren AM (1930-2021)
Roger Banks (1930-2018)
Rollo Brett (1923–2022)
(Mr Brett's obituary appeared in JTDE Vol. 10, No. 3, 2022.)
Ernest Bulte (1909-2010)
(Mr Bulte's obituary appeared in TJA Vol. 60, No. 2, 2010.)
Richard (Dick) Butler AM
Reg Coutts (1949-2021)
Jack Curtis CBE 1920-2013
Peter Darling (1946-2013)
George Hams AM (1928–2023)
(Mr Hams's obituary appeared in JTDE Vol. 11, No. 2, 2023.)
Garth Jenkinson (1938-2013)
Stuart Lee (? - 2020)
Tony Newstead (1923-2017)
Frederick J.W. Symons (1938-2007)
Mel Ward AO (1942-2010)
(Mr Ward's obituary appeared in TJA Vol. 60 No. 4, 2010.)