Wednesday, 26th August 2020
The world and broadband now evolve to a new normal. A centennial pandemic suddenly intensifies our broadband dependency and mandates more ubiquitous and reliable communication everywhere, including Australia's NBN. What does this mean for broadband evolution plans? What must change? What can change? Fiber to everyone's wristwatch was never an economically viable solution, but there are paths that address need and viably advance into the new altered future. Existing facilities' combined intelligent leverage, and best use of advanced, powerful, and distributing computing can indeed provide viable solutions. This talk investigates such paths, how to measure their advance, and suggests paths that transcend well into tomorrow's New Broadband Normal.
This event is provided in association with the Victorian IEEE section Communications Society, ComSoc. The "Book a Seat" button above will take you to the IEEE site to register. Zoom details are provided on the IEEE site.
John Cioffi is affectionately known by many as the "father of DSL". His perspectives are sure to be of interest. Please book to ensure your place at this event.
Date and Time
Wed, 26 Aug 2020
12:30 - 13:45 AEST

BSEE, 1978, Illinois; PhDEE, 1984, Stanford; Bell Laboratories, 1978-1984; IBM Research, 1984-1986; EE Prof., Stanford, 1986-present, now called emeritus. Cioffi founded Amati Com. Corp in 1991 (purchased by TI in 1997) and was officer/director from 1991-1997. He currently also is on the Board of Directors of ASSIA (Chairman and CEO), Alto Beam, Tinoq, and the Marconi Foundation. Cioffi's specific interests are in high-performance digital transmission. Cioffi’s recognition includes: IEEE AG Bell, Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching, and Millenium Medals (2010, 2014, and 2000); Internet (2014) and Consumer Electronics (2018) Halls of Fame; Economist Magazine 2010 Innovations Award (joint with S. Jobs); International Marconi Fellow (2006); Member, US National and UK Royal Academies of Engineering (2001, 2009); IEEE Kobayashi and Armstrong Awards (2001 and 2013); BBWF Lifetime Achievement (2014), IEEE Fellow (1996); IEE JJ Tomson Medal (2000); 1991 and 2007 IEEE Comm. Mag. best paper; and numerous Conference Best-Paper awards. Cioffi has published over 800 papers and holds over 200 patents, of which many are heavily licensed including key necessary patents for the international standards in ADSL, VDSL, vectored VDSL,, DSM, Cellular 3GPP, Multi-user and Massive-MIMO wireless, and various Wi-Fi methodologies.