A presentation in conjunction with Engineers Australia
Tuesday, 18th June 2024
Reliable, high speed internet connectivity is now a given for all business and communities - no matter how remote they may be from our population centres.
LEOSats are responding to this by finally providing the game changing technology for delivering affordable, high speed connectivity and mobile messaging and voice to all parts of the planet.
SPEAKER: Ashley Grove, Satellite Development, Vocus
The session will cover:
- a history of satellite telecommunications and Australia's place in the satellite space
- GEO, MEO or LEO the differences between the connectivity functions
- the differences between Starlink, Amazon Kuiper, Telesat and OneWeb
- a selection of case studies on the usage
- opportunities beyond broadband will I be able to use my mobile phone anywhere on earth?
- the future view
This is a Engineers Australia presentation in conjunction with TelSoc it is free for members & students of Engineers Australia. Non members $30.
Level 11, 108 King William Street, Adelaide or Live Stream
Date and Time
Tue, 18 Jun 2024
18:00 - 20:00 ACST

Ashley's career, over the last two decades, has been concentrated in the telecommunications industry. He's been in project management roles delivering core terrestrial communications services for corporate and government customers, global networking roles designing international solutions including global data networks, voice and security services and over the last 8 years has been focused on satellite technology. Today, Ashley is motivated by driving growth and creating innovation in the LEO Sat industry for Australia and the local region, capitalising on a revolutionary change in how satellite communication is delivered, deployed and consumed. Ashley has worked on and delivered solutions for several Australian based space projects in recent years and is passionate about building out Australia’s space capability.