How British Telecom/Openreach moved from FTTN to FTTP
Tuesday, 13th October 2020
The Coalition Government’s Multi-Technology Model for the NBN relied heavily on the experience of British Telecom’s wholesale subsidiary, Openreach’s, experience with its FTTN.
But a lot has changed in the UK market since the Coalition’s policy was formed in 2013.
This presentation will look at how the UK came to its current position where Openreach has plans to cover 70% of households with FTTP by the ‘mid to late 2020s’ after halting its G.Fast rollout.
This will not be a detailed technical presentation – rather it will look at the competition and economic policies that have driven private sector investment in fibre rather than risking taxpayer’s dollars on subsidising urban broadband rollouts.
Date and Time
Tue, 13 Oct 2020
12:30 - 13:45 AEDT

Gary has over 30 years of engineering, commercial and regulatory experience in the Australian and international telecommunications markets.
He was the initial Chief Technology Officer of NBN Co, reporting directly to the CEO, from 2009 to 2014. Previously he worked at Siemens, Request DSL and Telstra in Australia and Germany and was also Executive Director of Utiba, a mobile payments startup that provided the technology for the ground breaking G-Cash service in the Philippines.
Most recently he was Chief Technology Officer of Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited which is one of the world’s most successful non-incumbent fixed broadband companies with approximately 40% market share in the competitive Hong Kong broadband market.
He is now back in Melbourne but still working as a consultant with Hardiman Telecommunications (, a telecommunications consulting company, which provides advice to investors in telecommunications networks in Europe, Asia and Africa.