Author: Sam Forbes BA(Melb.)        Date:  5 February 2014. 


These references are provided as a guide to the history of Australian Telecommunications from an economics perspective.

The bibliography has been divided into sections referring to significant time periods:

  1. The First Step: The Emerging of Telecom Australia from the Postmaster General?s Department. 1970-80
  2. Telecom Australia and Competition. 1980-1991
  3. Telstra and the NBN. 1991-2013
  4. Catalogues, Series and Issues.

1. The First Step: the Emerging of Telecom Australia from the Postmaster General?s Department. 1970-80.

         1.1 Articles, books, reports

Abbott, Malcolm. 2013. ?Microeconomic Reform and the Whitlam Government: The Case of Telecommunications and Post?. Journal of Australian Studies. Vol. 37, No. 4, pp 503-19.

Australian Labor Party. 1967. Australian Labor Party; platform, constitution and rules: as approved by the 27th Commonwealth Conference, Adelaide, 1967. Original edition, Cyril S. Wyndham, Federal Secretariat, Australian Labor Party.

Butlin, N.G, Barnard, A, Pincus, J.J. 1982. Government and Capitalism: Public and Private Choice in 21st Century Australia. Sydney, NSW: George Allen and Unwin.

Department of Communications and AUSSAT Pty. Ltd.  ?The AUSSAT Satellite Service- An Overview?  Telecommunications Journal of Australia.  Vol. 35, No. 2, pp 3-8.

Moyal, A. M. 1984. Clear across Australia: A History of Telecommunications. Melbourne, VIC: Nelson.

Telecom Australia. National Telecommunications Planning Branch. 1976.  Telecom 2000: An Exploration of the Long-Term Development of Telecommunications in Australia. Melbourne 1976.

Telecom Australia. National Telecommunications Planning Branch. 1978. Outcomes from the Telecom 2000 Report. Melbourne.

            1.2 Government reports

Commonwealth of Australia, 1974. Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Australian Post Office. Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.

Postmaster-General's Dept, Australia. 1971. Australia and the Exploding World of Communications. Canberra: ACT.

Whitlam, G. (Prime Minister the Hon. Gough Whitalm, QC). 1974.  Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Australian Post Office.  Media Release.  April 24, 1974.


            1.3 Legislation

Postal and Telecommunications Commissions (Transitional Provisions) Act 1975.

Postal Services Act 1975.

Telecommunications Act 1975.

Trade Practices Act 1974.


2. Telecom Australia and Competition. 1980-1991.

         2.1 Articles, books and reports

Albon, Robert. 1986. The Telecom Monopoly: Natural or Artificial? Perth, W.A.  Australian Institute for Public Policy.

Communication Law Centre. 2004. Australian Telecommunications Regulation: The Communications Law Centre Guide. Sydney, NSW: University of New South Wales.

Courville, L., de Fonteney, A. and Dobell, R.  1983.  Economic Analysis of Telecommunications:  Theory and Applications.  North Holland Publishing Co.

Dobes, Leo.  ?The telecommunications Reform Process in Australia?.  Telecommunications Journal of Australia.  Vol. 41, No. 1, 1991.

Edward, Ronald. 1984. The Competition for markets in International Telecommunications.  Artech House. Dedlam:  M.A.

Jessop, C.W.A.  1983.  ?Economic Analysis - Principles and Problems?.  Telecommunications Journal of Australia.  Vol. 33, No. 1, pp 55-58.

Moyal, A. M. 1984. Clear across Australia: A History of Telecommunications.  Melbourne, Vic: Nelson.

Sharkey, W.W. 1982.  The Theory of Natural Monopoly.  Cambridge University Press.

Thurman, W.H.  1982. ?Telecommunications in Australia?.  Telecommunications Journal of Australia.  Vol. 32, No. 2 pp 131-140.

Wilson, I. R; Goggin, G. 1993. Reforming Universal Service: The Future of Consumer Access and Equity in Australian Telecommunications. Redfern, N.S.W: Consumers' Telecommunications Network.

2.2 Government Reports

Bureau of Transport and Communications Economics. 1995. Evaluation of the transitional period in Australian telecommunications. Canberra: Bureau of Transport and Communications Economics.

Dept. of Communications and the Arts, 1994. Beyond the duopoly / Australian telecommunications policy and regulation: issues paper. September 1994.  Canberra: Dept. of Communications and the Arts.

Evans, G, (Senator the Hon Gareth Evans QC, Minister for Transport and Communications). 1982. Australian Telecommunications Services: A New Framework.. Dept. of Transport and Communications., Canberra, ACT: Aust.Govt.Pub.Service, Canberra, ACT..

Davidson J.A. (Chair). 1982. Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Telecommunications Services in Australia.  Aust.Govt.Pub.Service, Canberra, ACT.

Ergas, H.  1986.  Telecommunications and the Australian Economy. Canberra, ACT: Aust.Govt.Pub.Service, Canberra, ACT.

Hilmer, F.; Rayner, M.; Taperell, G. 1993. National Competition Policy: Report by the Independent Committee of Inquiry. Aust.Govt.Pub.Service, Canberra, ACT..

Myers, Sir Rupert Horace. 1980. Technological Change in Australia: Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Technological Change in Australia.  Aust.Govt.Pub.Service, Canberra, ACT..

         2.3 Legislation

Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Corporation Act 1991.

Australian Telecommunications Corporation Act 1989.

Prices Surveillance Act 1983.

Satellite Communications Act 1984.

Telecommunications Act 1989.

Telecommunications (Application Fees) Act 1989.

Telecommunications (Application Fees) Act 1991.

Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Fees) Act 1991.

Telecommunications (Numbering Fees) Act 1991.

Telecommunications (Universal Service Levy) Act 1991.

Transport and Communications Legislation Amendment Act 1994.


3. Telstra and the NBN. 1991-2013

         3.1 Articles, books, reports

Armstrong, M. 1997. 'Competition in telecommunications'. Oxford Review of

Economic Policy. Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 64?82.

Budde, Paul; Gerrand, Peter; Gans, Joshua; Gregory, Mark; Horsley, Allan. 2013. ?TJA?s NBN policy panel?. Telecommunications Journal of Australia.  Vol. 63, No. 3, Article 442.

Buckeridge, Roger.; Gerrand, Peter. 1997.  ?Access Pricing Principles for a Competitive Telecommunications Market?.  Telecommunications Journal of Australia.  Vol. 47, No. 1, pp 7-15.

Cave, M ; Williamson, P. 1996.  ?Entry, Competition and Regulation in UK Telecommunications? Oxford Economic Policy. Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 100-121.

Communication Law Centre. 2004. Australian Telecommunications Regulation: The Communications Law Centre Guide. Sydney: University of New South Wales.

Corner, Stuart. 1997. ?The New Telecommunications Regime?. Telecommunications Journal of Australia.  Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 35-38.

Cowie, C.; Marsden, C. 1998. ?Convergence, competition and regulation?. International Journal of Communications Law and Policy.  Vol.1, pp 619-34.

 Eckermann, Robin. 2013. ?Getting some reality into debates about NBN FTTP?Aust. J. Telecommunications and the Digital Economy,  Vol 1, No 1, Article 13.

Fell, Liz.  1997. ?Interview with Professor Henry Ergas?.  Telecommunications Journal of Australia.  Vol. 47, No. 1,pp 16-24.

Gerrand, Peter.  2004.  ?Revisiting the Structural Separation of Telstra?.  Telecommunications Journal of Australia.  Vol. 54, No. 3, Pp 15-28.

? 2011. ?How the ACCC saved Telstra.  Business Spectator, June 22, 2011. At at

? 2013. ?The Coalition?s NBN policy is a triumph of short-termism over long-term vision?.  The Conversation. April 10, 2013.

Hambleton, Dennis.  1997. ?Summary of changes in Australia?s Telecommunications Legislation?  Telecommunications Journal of Australia.  Vol. 47, No. 1, pp 79-85.

Joseph, Richard.  ?Politics and Telecommunication Deregulation?.  Telecommunications Journal of Australia.  Vol. 46, No. 1, pp 9-6.

?1996a.  ?The Redefinition of Australian Telecommunications Policy: An Historical Overview?.  Telecommunications Journal of Australia.  Vol. 46, No. 2, pp 51-63.  (Including a political chronology of Australian Telecommunications)

?1996b.  ?The Telecommunications Deregulation Process in Australia?.  Telecommunications Journal of Australia.  Vol. 46, No. 3, Pp 49-53.

King, S. and Maddock, R.  1996.  Unlocking the Infrastructure: The Reform of Public Utilities in Australia.  St. Leonards, NSW: Allen & Unwen.

Laffont J. and Tirole, J. 1994. Competition in Telecommunications. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.

Liberal Party of Australia.  2013The Coalition's Plan for a Fast and Affordable NBN. Barton, ACT: Brian Loughnane.

Maddock, R. 1999. ?The Premature Burial of Natural Monopoly: Telecommunications Reform in Australia: A response to John Quiggin?. Agenda. Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 39?50.  (including John Quiggin?s rejoinder pp. 47-50)

Newstead, Tony.  1995.  ?The Australian Telecommunications Network ? Past, Present and Future?  Telecommunications Journal of Australia. Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 5-20.

?2000. ?Telecom 2000 - In Retrospect?.  Telecommunications Journal of Australia. Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 11-18.

Quiggin, J. 1998.  ?The Premature Burial of Natural Monopoly: Telecommunications

Reform in Australia?, Agenda, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 427-440.

Quigley, Mike. ?Mike Quigley Reflects?.  A presentation given by Mike Quigley, former CEO of NBN Co, on 2 December 2013, At

Round, D. (Ed.). 1994. The Australian Trade Practices Act 1974.  Dordrecht, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Senate Select Committee on the National Broadband Network. 2010. Final report: Select Committee on the National Broadband Network.  Canberra, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.

Shepherd, W. 1998, ?Problems in creating effective competition?, in Gabel, D. and Weiman, D. (eds.), Opening Networks to Competition: The Regulation and Pricing of Access. Boston, M.A: Kluwer.

Viscusi, W., Vernon, J. and Harrington Jnr, J. 1996. Economics of Regulation and Antitrust. 2nd edition. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.

            3.2 Government Reports

Albon, Robert; Hardin, Alexis; Dee, Philippa; with assistance from McCalman, Paulene. 1997. Telecommunications economics and policy issues. Belconnen, ACT Industry Commission.

Australian Government Competitive Neutrality Complaints Office. 2011. NBN Co. Investigation No. 14, November. Canberra, ACT.

Australian Information Economy Advisory Council.  1999.  National Bandwidth Inquiry report.  Canberra, ACT: Department of Communications, Information Technology, and the Arts (DOCITA)

Australian Senate. Environment, Recreation, Communications and the Arts References Committee.  1996. Telstra (Dilution of Public Ownership) Bill 1996: submissions to Senate Environment, Recreation, Communications and the Arts References Committee. Canberra, A.C.T.: The Senate.

Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA). 2008.  Communications report 2006?07.  Melbourne, Australia: ACMA.

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, 1999. Anti-competitive conduct in telecommunications markets: an information paper. Dickson, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.

?2009. Submission to the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy: National Broadband Network: Regulatory Reform for 21st Century Broadband. Canberra, ACT: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

?2010. Advice to Government: National Broadband Network Points of Interconnect. Canberra, ACT:  Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

?2013. How requiring Telstra to share its copper network benefits you. Canberra, ACT: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

?2013. How the ACCC?s rules for wholesale broadband services benefit you. Canberra, ACT: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

?2013. Methodology for administration of the Telstra carrier charges price control arrangements. Canberra, ACT: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

?2013. NBN Co Special Access Undertaking: Final Decision. Canberra, ACT: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

?2013. Public inquiry to make a final access determination for the Wholesale ADSL service: Final Report. Canberra, ACT: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Beazley, K. (Minister for Transport and Communications) 1990, Microeconomic

Reform: Progress Telecommunications. Canberra, ACT: AGPS.

BIS Shrapnel, Technology Applications Group. 2001. Telecommunication infrastructures in Australia 2001: A Research Report. Dickson, A.C.T: Australian Competition & Consumer Commission.

Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE). 2008. Request for Proposals to Roll-out and operate a National Broadband Network for Australia.  Canberra, ACT: DBCDE.

?2011. Universal Service Policy in the National Broadband Network environment. Canberra, ACT: DBCDE

?2010. Implementation Study for the National Broadband Network.  Canberra, ACT: DBCDE.

NBN Co. 2010. Corporate Plan 2011-13.  NBN Pty. Ltd.

?2010.  NBN Co. Product and Pricing Overview for Access Seekers. NBN Pty. Ltd.

?2011. Product and Pricing Overview for Service Providers. NBN Pty. Ltd.

?2012. Corporate Plan 2012?2015. NBN Pty. Ltd.

Productivity Commission, 1997. Telecommunications Economics and Policy Issues: Industry Commission Staff Information Paper. Canberra: ACT.

?1998, Performance of Government Trading Enterprises, 1991?92 to 1996?97Research Report. Canberra, ACT: AusInfo. (Section 8.1, 8.2)

?2001, Telecommunications Competition Regulation. Report No. 16. Canberra, ACT: AusInfo.

?2009. Productivity Commission Submission to the Senate Select Committee on the National Broadband Network. Canberra: ACT.

Rudd, K (Prime Minister), L Tanner (Minister for Finance) and S Conroy (Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy), New National Broadband Network, media release, 7 April 2009.          

3.3 Legislation

Appropriation (Regional Telecommunications Services) Act 2005-2006 

Competition and Consumer Act 2010.

Telecommunications Act 1997.

Telecommunications Amendment Act 1998.

Telecommunications Amendment Act (No. 2) 1998 

Telecommunications Amendment (Integrated Public Number Database) Act 2006 

Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Amendment Act 1998.

Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Amendment Act 2005 

Telecommunications (Carrier Licence Charges) Amendment (Industry Plans and Consumer Codes) Act 2005 

Telecommunications Competition Act 2002 

Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999.

Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Amendment Act 2000

Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Amendment Act (No. 1) 2000

Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Amendment Act (No. 2) 2000

Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Amendment (National Relay Service) Act 2005

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment Act 1999

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment Act 2000

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Issues) Act 2005

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Act 2010 

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Future Proofing and Other Measures) Act 2005

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Protecting Services for Rural and Regional Australia into the Future) Act 2007

Telecommunications Laws Amendment (Universal Service Cap) Act 1999.

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Universal Service Reform) Act 2012 

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network) Act 2008 

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (National Broadband Network Measures?Access Arrangements) Act 2011 

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Fibre Deployment) Act 2011

Telecommunications (Industry Levy) Act 2012 

Telecommunications (Numbering Charges) Amendment Act 2000.

Telecommunications (Numbering Charges) Amendment Act 2005 

Telecommunications (Universal Service Levy) Act 1997.

Telecommunications (Universal Service Levy) Amendment Act 1999 

Telecommunications (Universal Service Levy) Amendment Act 2000 

Telecommunications Universal Service Management Agency Act 2012 

Telstra (Dilution of Public Ownership) Act 1996.

Telstra (Further Dilution of Public Ownership) Act 1999.

Telstra (Transition to Full Private Ownership) Act 2005.

Trade Practices Amendment (Industry Access Codes) Act 1997 

Trade Practices Amendment (Telecommunications) Act 1997 

Trade Practices Amendment (Telecommunications) Act 2001 


4.  Catalogues and Series of papers.

Australian Bureau of Statistics. 1999. Telecommunication Services, Australia 1996-97, Catalogue. No. 8145.0. Canberra, ACT: ABS.

Australian Bureau of Statistics. Yearbook Australia. Catalogue No. 1301.0.  Canberra, ACT: ABS.  (Published 1908-2012)

?Research and Experimental Development. Catalogue No. 8104.0.  Canberra, ACT: ABS.  (Published 1976-2012)

?Information and Technology in Australia, Catalogue No. 8126.0.  Canberra: ABS.  (Published 1992-2007)

?Australian Industry. Catalogue No. 8155.0.  Canberra, ACT: ABS.  (Published 1998-2012).

?Manufacturing Production, Australia: Household Appliances and Electrical Equipment, Catalogue No. 8357.0.  Canberra, ACT: ABS. (Published 1993-1994)

?Internet activity, Australia. Catalogue No. 8153.0. Canberra, ACT: ABS. (Published 2000-2013)

?Household Use of Information Technology, Australia. Catalogue No. 8146.0. Canberra, ACT: ABS.  (Published 1996-2011).

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.  Compliance of Telstra with Price Control Regulation.  Canberra, ACT: ACCC.  (Published 1999-2013) Available at:

On Regulation:  2002.  Telecommunications Journal of Australia.  Vol. 52, No. 2.

On Sale of Telstra:  1994 Telecommunications Journal of Australia.  Vol. 44, No. 3.

Telstra.  Annual Reports.  Telstra Corporation.

Available at





This bibliography was authored and researched by Sam Forbes BA(Melb.) as a graduate internship  project at TelSoc during December 2013 to January 2014, under the supervision of Professor Peter Gerrand.