Dr Clemens Pratt, educated at Brisbane State High School, the University of Queensland and the University of London, had a 38 year career with the PMG Department/Telecom Australia/Telstra. He initially specialised in telephone traffic engineering, and later worked in information systems planning and development, network operations, total quality management, and network planning. At various times during this period, he represented Australia at the International Telecommunications Union's CCITT Traffic Engineering Working Party, at the Economic Commission for Asia & the Far East, and also on the governing body of the International Teletraffic Congresses.
After taking early retirement, he undertook contracts with Victoria University (quality management), the Committee for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (reviews of quality assurance programs in universities), the Australian Information Technology Education Company (training in forecasting & traffic engineering), and Air Services Australia (security of its private telecommunications network).
He enjoys music, theatre, amateur astronomy, the grandchildren & the great grandchildren.