Kelvin is the CEO of OAK Telecom, which he founded in 2000. OAK Telecom resells the broadband networks of the major telcos in Australia through wholesaling intermediaries with their own data centres and comprehensive connections. After graduating from RMIT in Communication Engineering as a Professional Engineer, Kelvin spent 30 years in Telstra working and gaining knowledge and experience on microwave system design, transmission planning, corporate planning, business planning, forward network planning and strategic planning as part of skilled teams which helped develop and implement Telstra's extensive networks around Australia.
Early in his Telstra career Kelvin went on a two-year engineering scholarship to GEC Telecommunications in Coventry, England. Subsequently he spent six months in Indonesia with the Foreign Affairs Department working on the design of the Trans Sumatra Microwave System. Kelvin has been deeply involved over many years in the Victorian and national committees of Engineers Australia and Professionals Australia (formerly APESMA).