Flying Doctor chief: NBN to bring 78% cost reduction The CEO of the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (RFDS) expects the arrival of the National Broadband Network to its bases in remote areas to result in savings of millions of dollars based on recent deployments and a special rate for the Sky Muster service.

3rd July 2017

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Optus announces another $10m mobile coverage boost Australia's second biggest telco Optus has announced an investment of $7 million to improve mobile coverage in and around Busselton, Margaret River and Bunbury.

30th June 2017

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Australian, NZ browsers shift to smartphone continues to grow Australian and New Zealand consumers still prefer making purchases via desktop despite browser traffic continuing to move towards smartphones, according to a new report.

29th June 2017

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NBN Co increases downloads for satellite service NBN Co, the company building Australia's national broadband network, has announced that it will increase both the monthly download limits and the average peak downloads by up to 50% on its Sky Muster satellite service.

28th June 2017

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Optus boosting mobile coverage with $7.5 million investment in SA Optus has committed $7.6 million to mobile coverage on its 4G Plus network along the Fleurieu Peninsula and on Kangaroo Island South Australia.

27th June 2017

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Mobile roaming regulation would deliver $658 million in consumer savings: VHA Australian mobile users could benefit to the tune of $658 million in savings every year if domestic roaming services are regulated, according to a new independent study by a London-based economic group commissioned by Vodafone Hutchison Australia.

26th June 2017

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Federal Government introduces Telecom Reform Package legislation The Australian Government has finally tabled legislation in Parliament with promises to reform the telecommunications market ?to promote competition and to improve access to broadband services for all Australians, especially those in regional, rural and remote areas.?

23rd June 2017

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What's my speed? Ah, says NBN Co, that is a secret NBN Co is refusing to release individual speeds that consumers can attain, despite calls from other telecommunications firms to do so.

22nd June 2017

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Telstra payphones will disappear if USO scrapped Australia's familiar network of payphone booths will disappear if the Productivity Commission's recommendation to scrap the voice-based telecommunications universal service obligation is accepted by the government.

21st June 2017

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Productivity Commission calls for winding up of USO by 2020 The much-criticised telecoms industry Universal Service Obligation (USO) finally looks set for the scrapheap, with the Productivity Commission recommending to the Federal Government the winding up of the program by 2020.

20th June 2017

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