ACCC opening up ?superfast' broadband networks to competition The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is opening up ?superfast? broadband networks to greater competition, allowing retail service providers access to non-NBN network services. NBN launches first services on Telstra HFC network

1st August 2016

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Kantar?s OZ Carrier Share to June 2016: lots of winners including you Almost everyone seems to have done well in Kantar?s latest Australian Carrier Share Barometer to June 2016, and despite churn between providers, user numbers and competition has risen. Telco complaints increase, but Vodafone fares best

29th July 2016

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Vodafone?s Benoit Hanssen leaving CTO post to join Hutchison Vodafone Australia chief technology officer Benoit Hanssen is leaving the company after three years to take up a new post with the Hutchison Group. Macquarie gives itself a major brand makeover

28th July 2016

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ACCC wants ISPs to give consumers better broadband speed information The competition regulator, the ACCC, is toughing its stance on Internet Service Providers (ISPs) calling for them to provide far better information to consumers about the performance of their services ? in particular the speed of their Internet connections. Comms Alliance blames ACCC on broadband speed information

27th July 2016

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NBN?s Sky Muster II satellite set for ultra fast liftoff on 5 October The countdown is on for the launch of NBN Co?s Sky Muster II satellite, with the hope of a smooth and successful launch for more satellite broadband for Australians. Optus signs up QBE to three-year deal Optus has sealed a three-year contract with insurance giant QBE Australia to provide voice, mobile and data services across the company?s national network.

26th July 2016

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Lightning Broadband offers faster Internet now - first in Melbourne While most Australians wait for DOCSIS 3.1 HFC networks, along with FTTN and then FTTdp installations when NBN Co is ready, Lightning Broadband strikes! IA renews call for USO expansion to include ?right to Internet? access

25th July 2016

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NBN HFC network rollout buys tick of approval from Ovum NBN Co is standing tall on its rollout of its HFC network, which will ultimately deliver broadband services to over three million premises across Australia, after commissioning an endorsement of HFC by global analyst firm Ovum. ACCC green light for Telstra NBN migration plan changes

22nd July 2016

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Spirit Telecom bullish after ASX listing ? insanely fast internet! Freshly ASX listed Sprit Telecom has issued a market update ? and it's up, up and away for this niche, ultra-fast Internet access and telephony services, telecommunications carriage service provider. Centrify nips Cointreau for single sign-on

21st July 2016

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Amaysim to sell NBN broadband within 12 months Amaysim wants to take its success in the MVNO mobile market and replicate it in the broadband market, operating again as a "virtual network operator". Telstra launches into cloud management Telstra has launched a cloud management platform as the telco looks to make a broader range of cloud services available to businesses.

20th July 2016

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NBN: politicians are short-changing the masses Soon after any federal election, it is common for leaders of one or both major parties to indulge in platitudes about governing in the national interest. In the end, only the most partisan politics prevails. And that is likely to be the same in the case of the NBN. Telstra brand evolution: not a new logo, but a renewed commitment

19th July 2016

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