NBN Co launches Sky Muster Plus satellite ‘unmetered data’ wholesale service NBN Co has launched its Sky Muster Plus wholesale service which allows homes and small businesses in the NBN satellite footprint to access unmetered data for essential online activities.

13th August 2019

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Huawei Australia CEO reaffirms commitment to Australia despite 5G ban  The boss of the Australian subsidiary of Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei issued a statement reaffirming the company’s intention to keeping its operations going in the country regardless of Federal Government policy banning its participation in the 5G rollout.

10th August 2019

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Australia Post set to undertake telecommunications ‘transformation’ Australia Post is set to undertake a telecommunications ‘transformation” of its business, with the roll out of a series of upgrades to its network that it says will optimise performance for services across the country, as it plans for the future.

9th August 2019

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‘Underperforming’ broadband services still a problem: ACCC Underperforming broadband services are still a problem for some consumers, with a newly publish report revealing that 12.4% of consumers continue to experience underperforming services that “rarely come close to reaching their maximum plan speed”.

7th August 2019

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Activist group launches campaign against Apple censorship in China Anti-corporate activist group SumofUs has launched a campaign against tech corporation Apple’s compliance with the Chinese government’s censorship demands in order to remain operating in the world’s most populous country.

6th August 2019

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Australia smartphone end user shipments plummet in 2019 Australian end user smartphone shipments will suffer a sharp drop of 8.8% in 2019, with a similar drop in New Zealand, both far outpacing a worldwide downturn as users hold on to their handsets ahead of the coming 5G boom.

3rd August 2019

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S&P delivers slap to Singtel and Optus with negative outlook Australia’s second largest telecommunications carrier Optus and its parent company Singtel have received a slap in the face from the S&P Global Ratings agency which downgraded the outlook on both companies over the next two years from stable to negative due to high debt levels.

2nd August 2019

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You may have noticed that CommsWire has been failing to get through recently. This has been due to TelSoc.org mail being wrongly classified at our hosting service in the USA as spam - most frustrating. In particular my email tim.herring@telsoc.org was on a mail-send stop for ten days. Thankfully we have cleared all that up (I hope!)

2nd August 2019

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Mobile operator revenues to reach US120 billion by 2024 Revenue opportunities for mobile operators, outside of voice, messaging and mobile data termination, will reach US$120 billion by 2024 - up from US$67 billion this year, according to a new report.

1st August 2019

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5G Huawei ban based on incorrect technical advice: Ovum China’s largest telco Huawei says a new report from independent global telecoms consultancy Ovum proves that a ban on the company from participating in Australia’s 5G rollout was based on incorrect advice from security agencies including the ASD.

31st July 2019

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