Broadband: Australia cheapest in Oceania, but still pricey Australia may be the cheapest place for broadband in the Oceania region but it ranks a lowly 84 globally. The cheapest broadband packages in 195 countries surveyed by the UK's site was in Ukraine and cost US$5 per month.

8th November 2018

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TPG top of the pops in ACCC's third broadband speed test Fixed-line NBN customers are benefitting from competition among Internet service providers to perform well in the ACCC's speed tests, though some consumers continue to get much lower speeds than others on the same plan.

6th November 2018

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Optus staff told to please customers or face sack: report The head of Australia's second biggest telecommunications company has told staff that they would be fired if they upset customers, a report claims. China’s Zhao re-elected to ITU top job China’s top telecoms providers may be in the US Government’s bad books but the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has re-elected China’s Houlin Zhao as Secretary-General.

3rd November 2018

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NBN Co continues to rack up losses with broadband rollout Losses continue to mount in the rollout of Australia’s national broadband network, with an after tax loss of $4780 million for the 2018 financial year, still two years out from scheduled completion in 2020.

2nd November 2018

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ACCC chief wary of competition issues in 5G, NBN rollouts It is critical that the rollout of 5G in Australia is done in a way that promotes competition and works for the benefit of consumers, according to the chief of the competition watchdog, Rod Sims.

1st November 2018

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NBN Co launches gigabit connections for business The NBN Co has announced a new wholesale enterprise offering which will provide symmetrical speeds of 1Gbps, and will include a point-to-point fibre connection. Vodafone to offer Chinese tourists Alipay facility Vodafone Hutchison Australia has cut a deal with China's Alipay to provide the service at 110 of its stores across Australia.

31st October 2018

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Sumo partners with Optus on launch of telco services Optus Wholesale has sealed a three-year agreement with Australian-based gas and electricity retailer Sumo, for a range of telco products which will allow Sumo to offer NBN and broadband services to eligible households and small businesses.

30th October 2018

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FttH alternative needed for higher broadband speeds: NetComm Rolling out fibre to the home is an expensive exercise and alternative methods need to be found to provide people with broadband that can yield speeds above 100Mbps, the marketing and communications director of NetComm, Els Baert, claims.

27th October 2018

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Telstra signs 5G deal with Ericsson, tech rolled out in three cities Telstra has announced that Swedish telecommunications supplier Ericsson will be its main partner in rolling out 5G, with an agreement signed by the two companies on Wednesday.

26th October 2018

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NBN Co chair rules out write-down, says network could sell for $50b The chairman of NBN Co, the company rolling out Australia's national broadband network, has told Senate Estimates that the NBN could still fetch a price of $50 billion once it is fully rolled out in 2021.

25th October 2018

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