Don?t declare mobile roaming Fifield warns ACCC Communications Minister Mitch Fifield has weighed into the mobile services regulation debate, warning the ACCC in a letter that declaring domestic roaming could hamper private investment.

16th December 2016

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Remaining blocks in 700 Mhz spectrum to be sold The Australian Communications and Media Authority will begin the process of auctioning off the remaining blocks of spectrum in the 700 MHz band next month. ATO services downed by HPE hardware crash Hardware supplied by Hewlett Packard Enterprise has malfunctioned, causing a major IT outage at the Australian Taxation Office, with staff unable to use systems on Monday and Tuesday.

15th December 2016

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Fiber Corp plans to offer 10Gbps speeds Fibre optics provider Fiber Corp plans to disrupt the broadband market by offering speeds between 200Mbps and 10Gbps to high-rise residential and commercial developments in Sydney.

14th December 2016

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Government proposes $40m broadband levy on telcos for regional NBN rollout The Government has proposed legislation to establish a Regional Broadband Scheme and the introduction of an industry levy to fund the costs of paying for the provision of the National Broadband Network in unprofitable regional areas.

13th December 2016

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Twitter alerts for Sydney rail commuters Twitter Australia and the New South Wales public transport body, Transport for NSW, have teamed up to provide alerts about delays or disruptions on the Sydney suburban and inner-city rail networks.

12th December 2016

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RRRC pushes for better data, voice services after USO review The newly-formed Regional Rural and Remote Communications Coalition is hopeful voice and broadband access for Australians living and working in rural and remote areas will be improved as a result of a review of the USO.

9th December 2016

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Nokia, Vodafone on track for Melbourne trains telecoms upgrade The Victorian Government is considering a market-led proposal to upgrade telecommunications on Melbourne?s train system to improve services and provide better information for passengers.

8th December 2016

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Productivity Commission recommends scrapping of USO Telstra could lose billions of dollars in payments if the Federal Government adopts recommendations by the Productivity Commission that the Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation be scrapped.

7th December 2016

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Basslink to Tas Govt: outage an Act of God so pay up Basslink has demanded that Hydro Tasmania resume payments for the undersea cable that provides power and telecommunications between mainland Australia and the island state, claiming the recent six-month outage was a ?Force Majeure? event (Act of God).

6th December 2016

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NBN: one million-plus premises ready for FttN connection More than one million premises are now ready for connection the National Broadband Network via the FttN network as NBN Co speeds up the rollout across the country.

5th December 2016

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