Telstra secures massive $1.6 billion nbn deal Telstra has inked a new $1.6 billion contract with the National Broadband Network to deliver planning, design and construction of its existing hybrid fibre coaxial network (HFC). The massive expansion and upgrade is expected to be completed by 2020. HFC deal sparks ACCC ?competitive? concerns on Telstra NBN work

12th April 2016

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IT spending in Australia forecast to hit A$79.9 billion Telecom service spending will reach US$1.4 trillion in 2016 ? but that?s a decline of 2.0% for the year. Why are we surprised that the NBN is a mess? Politicians excel at dog-whistling. Given that, it is surprising that people are now expressing surprise at the mess that NBN has become, given the clear signals that the Coalition provided well before it was voted into office.

11th April 2016

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ACMA sanctions Macquarie Telecom over public database breaches Macquarie Telecom has been sanctioned by the Australian Communications and Media Authority for contravening the Telecommunications Act and failing to upload customer data for some of its landline and mobile services to the Integrated Public Number Database (IPND). NZ Commerce Commission reviewing ?non-price? terms for Chorus? UBA

8th April 2016

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CVCS is pricing crippling the nbn? The new dimension based CVC pricing is not going to appease the sector. Android gets China boost from Chinese New Year Sales Android has increased its market share in urban China from 73% to 76.4% in China alone, with the US and the EU5 also seeing ?year on year gains.? Internet of Things now ?mainstream?, IoT connections double across industry sectors

7th April 2016

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Vodafone reveals Mobile Blackspot rollout schedule Vodafone has released the full rollout schedule for its 70 base stations to be built in regional areas of New South Wales, Tasmania, Queensland, Western Australia and Victoria under the first round of the Mobile Black Spot Programme. Vocus launches NBN Connect for partners

6th April 2016

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nbn sets new CVC discount pricing model to encourage ?enhanced broadband experience?; Jobs to go as Optus restructures company; Telstra reinforces its commitment to ?network resilience?; Telstra Free Data Day 2: 2,686 TB of data, 46% more than 14 Feb; Fifield claims Labor Party ready to ?backflip? on nbn; ACMA takes action over alleged breaches of Do Not Call register act; Vodafone expands 4G services to now reach 23 million Aussies; Ciena appoints new chief for Australia, NZ.

5th April 2016

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Hawaiki announces construction of trans-Pacific cable; Telstra?s 3 April free data day: fast and slow, previous record busted; 43rd anniversary of the first cellular phone call by Martin Cooper; IT Scalability on Demand: pay-per-use arrives in the data centre; iOS malware sidesteps iPhone mobile device management; Call for telcos to take action over toll fraud; BlackBerry may release another Android handset soon.

4th April 2016

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Singtel, SubPartners, Telstra to jointly build new submarine cable; ACCAN warns consumers of a mobile phone data ?rip off?; Ruckus Wireless: smart wireless tech now in Alex Perry?s new hotel; Cleantech start-up to help African nations get solar-powered Internet connectivity; Slack opens APAC HQ in Melbourne; Global Capacity appoints telecoms industry veteran as CTO.

1st April 2016

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Google Fiber launching the 'Fiber Phone' for U.S. market; Optus dials up Uber in partnership with exclusive offerings, 4G trial; The Philippines? leading wireless telco makes smart MATRIXX move; Older Australians prefer dealing with govt in person, but online is ok for younger Aussies; Samsung milked it for all it was worth; Citrix puts browser in the cloud; Internet Australia renews call for fibre over copper for NBN build.

31st March 2016

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Basslink cable fault finally pinpointed; Lightning Broadband promises faster, cheaper broadband without the NBN; BlackBerry: soon to exit smartphones or analyst mischief?; Ezako has a go, helping telcos tackle e-commerce triumphantly; Windows 10 Mobile now in store at Telstra; Visy - first to extend remote site backup to Microsoft Azure using SteelFusion; FBI gains access to iPhone data, ends Apple stoush.

30th March 2016

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