Budget: NBN fast tracking, Netflix tax, multinational tax crackdown, SME relief; Data retention compliance allocation could force ISPs out of business; Verizon to buy AOL for US$4.4 Billion; NZ beats Australia in Netflix speed rankings; Penn?s Telstra pushes globally optical PEN: high-bandwidth; ZipTel?s ZipT VoIP app aims to beat Skype; Mobile advertising set for huge growth:new report.

13th May 2015

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Latest issue of the AJTDE and Call for papers for later issues.

13th May 2015

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Telstra takes Ericsson?s CDN for network delivered media; Foxtel welcomes GST tax on digital transactions; Nokia?s strategic partnership for ?exceptional IT infrastructure?; Telstra rides the Pacnet wave to extend China market reach; iPhone holds its own as China smartphone market slips back; Shift in education to 'all-wireless' classrooms.

12th May 2015

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Telstra hits back at competitors with aggressive mobile plans; Ericsson threat to Apple bottom line as wireless patent war expands into Europe; LTE demand drives growth in data management; US court rules that NSA phone data collection illegal; Samsung to unveil new IoT chipset at Internet of Things World 2015; Uber makes bid for Nokia?s HERE maps.

11th May 2015

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Telstra speeds up Australia, Singapore data link with ?lowest? latency connection; ISP sparks into action over NZ internet charges; CSIRO, AARNet part of ?breakthrough? global open SDN project; Market declares TPG winner of iiNet bout, but is the fight over yet?; Mozilla deprecates HTTP: new features for HTTPS sites only; Fibre: good for the environment, not just your bowels.

8th May 2015

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TPG increased bid for iiNet wins acceptance; TPG gears up with new NBN plans from $39.99; Consumers get better deal on mobile calls, SMS charges with ACCC proposal; ACMA cracks whip over unlicensed mobile phone repeaters; Telstra to appeal Privacy Commissioner metadata ruling; Telstra speeds up Australia, Singapore data link with ?lowest? latency connection; ISPs to pay 75% of Dallas Buyers Club legal costs; Router market in decline due to ?over-buy? capacity; Inabox acquisition of Anittel positive for financials; ISP sparks into action over NZ internet charges; Cisco?s Chambers checks out as CEO, Chuck Robbins checks in; CSIRO, AARNet part of ?breakthrough? global open SDN project; Women spearhead regional telecommunications review panel; End Geoblocking and price gouging Internet Society CEO tells Senate Committee; Comcast previews DOCSIS 3.1 cable modem due early 2016: OZ NBN implications? Nextgen connects Pilbara miner with Perth ops centre

8th May 2015

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The Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy march issue is now available.

8th May 2015

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ISPs to pay 75% of Dallas Buyers Club legal costs; TPG increased bid for iiNet wins acceptance; Consumers get better deal on mobile calls, SMS charges with ACCC proposal; Inmarsat reports ?solid? performance, on track for next GX satellite launch; Comcast previews DOCSIS 3.1 cable modem due early 2016: OZ NBN implications?; Vint Cerf tells Internet users to ask ISPs for IPv6.

7th May 2015

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TPG makes $1.57 billion move for iiNet, 19.9% shareholding in Amcom; Cisco?s Chambers checks out as CEO, Chuck Robbins checks in; Router market in decline due to ?over-buy? capacity; Equinix Cloud Exchange ?ExpressRoutes? Office 365 via Azure; Women spearhead regional telecommunications review panel; Ericsson cracks the code to successful telco growth.

6th May 2015

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Telstra to appeal Privacy Commissioner metadata ruling about personal information; Inabox acquisition of Anittel positive for financials; Workers of the Nokia world knock Nokia in scathing report; ACMA cracks whip over unlicensed mobile phone repeaters; Hitachi nets Netcomm to enable smart energy comms; Nextgen connects Pilbara miner with Perth ops centre.

5th May 2015

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