Verizon takes Aussie ID product worldwide; but loses out in Germany; Australian mobile phone market down; ITU to promote mobile money for the poor; Faulty charger kills NSW woman; Equinix deploys Ciena for virtual networking; America slows down as Europe picks up; MCF wants mobile towers on NSW Crown Land.

30th June 2014

0 8 1

NBN in $150 million FTTN pilot with Telstra; with Alcatel-Lucent vectoring cabinets; Telstra Global expands Asian network; Australia slow in Internet speed rankings; Aussies catching the mobile commerce bug; AdelaideFree Wi-Fi network makes its debut; Huawei takes Aussie students to China; AARNet deal brings cloud to higher education.

27th June 2014

0 7 1

NBN in $150 million FTTN pilot with Telstra with Alcatel-Lucent vectoring cabinets; It?s OK to store data offshore, says Government; Telecom NZ reveals Internet TV details; Telecom New Zealand?s retreat is complete; AARNet deal brings cloud to higher education ; Global mobile termination rates down; ACCC varies fixed line FADs; Australian business embracing social media; Telstra in major monitored security deal; Patrick Fair to head CA security panel; NBN cabling site for consumers; Can you live without your phone?; What if you don?t need the NBN?; SBS gets head start with Freeview Plus; Windows Phone gains 500 apps a day; ANALYSIS Generation Next says content should be free; SubPartners secures cable for APX-West build ; as Vocus buys stake in Sea-Me-We 3 cable; Australian data centre services revenues to exceed $1.7 billion by 2020 ; Making the most of the 3.5 GHz band ; Dodo warned over customer usage alerts; Biggest ever ICANN meeting convenes in London; Vodafone customers live up ?truly unlimited? data weekend; More data for many Internode customers; Google ?considering Pacific cable investment?; Aussie cloud startup Maestrano launches ?world first? integration technology; The world wants phablets; SubPartners gets protection permit for APX-East; The Internet in Australia is 25 years old ; Telstra Global expands Asian network with two new points of presence in Taiwan; BT ?simplifies? threat monitoring; Australia slow in Internet speed rankings; Aussies catching the mobile commerce bug; AdelaideFree Wi-Fi network makes its debut; Huawei takes Aussie students to China

27th June 2014

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It?s OK to store data offshore, says Government; Aussie cloud startup Maestrano launches ?world first? integration technology; The world wants phablets; as Apple?s larger iPhone on the way; OPINION Confessions of a phablet phreak; SubPartners gets protection permit for APX-East; Telecom NZ reveals Internet TV details; and more fibre; The Internet in Australia is 25 years old.

26th June 2014

0 8 2

ANALYSIS Telecom New Zealand?s retreat is complete; Global mobile termination rates down; Biggest ever ICANN meeting convenes in London; Vodafone customers live up ?truly unlimited? data weekend; More data for many Internode customers; Google ?considering Pacific cable investment?; BT ?simplifies? threat monitoring

25th June 2014

0 4 5

Telstra in major monitored security deal; Patrick Fair to head CA security panel; NBN cabling site for consumers; Can you live without your phone?; What if you don?t need the NBN?; SBS gets head start with Freeview Plus; Windows Phone gains 500 apps a day; ANALYSIS - Generation Next says content should be free

24th June 2014

0 9 2

ACCC varies fixed line FADs; Australian business embracing social media; SubPartners secures cable for APX-West build; Vocus buys stake in Sea-Me-We 3 cable; Australian data centre services revenues to exceed $1.7 billion by 2020 ; Making the most of the 3.5 GHz band; Dodo warned over customer usage alerts.

23rd June 2014

0 7 0

All three carriers hit with major outages; Optus boosts IT and telecoms integration; Optus Business reorganisation; Optus appoints David Caspari to head its ICT division; ACCC acts on ATM agreement; Vodafone New Zealand claims world?s fastest mobile broadband; Australian developed micro content-payment system planned; Mobile ?the future? of video, TV consumption; Telecom NZ acquires cloud services specialist Appserv.

20th June 2014

0 7 1

Telecom carriers acquiring, reorganising and strategising in preparation for changing markets, technologies, competition and opportunities.

20th June 2014

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TelSoc now provides financial members with a free subscription to "CommsWire", a leading daily and weekly online publication in the Australian Telecommunications market. Forthcoming TelSoc events

20th June 2014

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