Tuesday, 17th November 2015
There is much excitement about what might be achieved by connecting the devices and appliances we use in our homes, offices, factories and cities to the Internet. Cisco have said that by 2020 there will be over 50 billion devices connected, but what is not clear is whether a standard will emerge that will allow easy interaction with them by humans and machine to machine interoperability. This is not the first time the technology community has been at a crossroads like this. The same scenario presented itself in the period before the WWW technologies were embraced. lf the loT is going to realise its full potential, a platform that provides interoperability for the loT is required. Xped's Auto Discovery Remote Control (ADRC) technology has been developed over the past five years with this in mind. This talk presents an overview of how ADRC solves the critical issues faced by the loT and some of the experiences gained along the way.
Date and Time
Tue, 17 Nov 2015
17:30 - 19:00 ACDT
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Engineers Australia