Ms. Nulty has recently retired as Controller and Chief Administrative Officer (but remains a member of the Board) of ValleyNet, Inc., in association with the ECFiber project (see above). With Timothy Nulty, Ms. Nulty played a major role in the development and implementation of that project since its inception. Prior to joining ValleyNet., Inc. Ms Nulty operated an independent business consulting practice, Focal Point Advisory Services, providing business plan development, due diligence and similar business services to a variety of Vermont businesses. From 1994 to 1997 she was Controller and VP of CETI (see above). She has more than 30 years experience as a business and financial analyst, much of that on behalf of large labor unions where, inter alia, she supported contract negotiations, arbitrations, bankruptcy reorganizations, etc. From 1999 to 2004 she was the General Manager of a 100-employee company, Hunger Mountain Natural Foods Co-op in Montpelier, Vermont. From 1994-1997 she served as Controller and General Administrative Officer of Central European Telecom Investments, a venture capital investment and operating fund. Ms. Nulty is a Board Member and former Treasurer of Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility, Burlington, VT. She holds a M.Sc. in Economics from Cambridge University, Cambridge, England.