Wednesday, 21st July 2021
Non-members: $20.00; Financial members: No charge (full discount when logged in).
Telecommunications is no longer about telephone calls at home and the major changes we have seen over the last 20 years will probably be dwarfed by the changes still to come.
Part of understanding the future is understanding and learning lessons from the past. Heritage Telecommunications Ltd. (HTL) has been established to professionally organise and catalogue the Heritage collection and the operation of the National Communications Museum; the largest specialist telecommunications museum anywhere in the World.
David Piltz is a graduate of Adelaide University and his 48 year career in telecommunications has included over 20 years in the Executive Management of Telstra. He has managed many major projects, including building the link across the Bass Strait (both times). His latest “project” is securing the heritage of telecoms in Australia.
The event will be presented via Zoom. The Zoom link will be provided to registered attendees via email on the evening prior to the presentation.
TelSoc warmly invites non-members to consider joining -- a modest annual fee helps ensure TelSoc can continue to foster growth in Telecommunications and the Digital Economy in the region.
The end of the financial year also means that it is time for members to renew:
Date and Time
Wed, 21 Jul 2021
12:00 - 13:30 AEST
Online Event Only
Melbourne VIC 3000

David Piltz
David Piltz, Senior Engineer & Executive, Telstra
David Piltz is a graduate of Adelaide University and his 48 year career in telecommunications has included over 20 years in the Executive Management of Telstra. He has managed many major projects, including building the link across the Bass Strait (both times). His latest “project” is securing the heritage of telecoms in Australia.
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