
Is Vodafone for sale? Got a spare $100 billion?; ACMA releases five year spectrum outlook; Microsoft silent on Australian Azure host; Samsung beats Apple to the punch; Apple shifts nude celebrity hacking blame; Forget the branch, it?s now banking on the go - ANZ.

4th September 2014


COVER STORY - THE NBN WARS CONTINUE ? BY PROXY; Scales assertions ?incorrect?, says Tucker; In support of a fibre to the premises NBN; ANALYSIS - Turnbull talks up Telstra?s NBN plans; ECONOMUSE - Hobson?s choice with NBN Co pricing; NBN congratulates self on first FTTN user

22nd August 2014


Telstra renews Ericsson deal to support SDN; Telstra has confirmed Ericsson as its continued supplier for optical transport; Dead as a Dodo; Impossible to cost data retention, says iiNet; Australian IT managers unaware of privacy laws; Samsung buys its way into IoT market; MobileMuster wants your old phones.

19th August 2014


ANALYSIS  Government backtracks on metadata, while Optus warns of costThe Government now says that metadata will not include your browsing history. But there is still confusion over just what it does include ? and how much it will cost.

11th August 2014


Tomorrow is Spark DayTelecom New Zealand ceases to exist at midnight tonight, when it becomes Spark. ISOC-AU?s ten questions about data retentionThe Internet Society of Australia has asked the Government to properly consider the consequences of its planned data retention laws.?    THE QUESTIONS

7th August 2014