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Android Os Updates A Mess ? Only 18% On Lollipop; Thodey To Chair Csiro; Vocus-Amcom Deal Bears Fruit; Gsma Disappointed In Slow Spectrum Reregulation; Hey! Somebody?s Hacked My Smart Watch!; Deloitte Hosts Cyber Security Meeting.

7th August 2015


THE ?TELSTRA TAX?; iiNet releases TPG bid document to shareholders; and Amcom shareholders vote for Vocus deal; Hyperconnectivity is upon us, says Cisco; Open networking is ?invading the data centre?; OTT revenues go over the top.

16th June 2015


COVER STORY: TELSTRA REVEALS PACNET SECURITY BREACH Mystery hackers attack Pacnet: Telstra reveals all Free legal advice from iiNet and $10 fines expected for Dallas downloaders Dallas Buyers Club to sue other ISP customers, takes action in Singapore Huawei launches Agile Internet of Things architecture with LIteOS Telcos noticeably absent from desirable Australian employers list Internet TV, consumer choice to drive fourfold increase in use of OTT services Dramatic rise in mobile data traffic...

22nd May 2015


Free legal advice from iiNet and $10 fines expected for Dallas downloaders; Dramatic rise in mobile data traffic ahead; Amcom adjourns shareholder scheme meeting; Amcom gives WA startups a boost with $320k seed capital; Ruckus Hotspot 2.0 heats up Public WiFi with Release 2; Nokia boxes up LTE network - into a box.

20th May 2015


TPG makes $1.57 billion move for iiNet, 19.9% shareholding in Amcom; Cisco?s Chambers checks out as CEO, Chuck Robbins checks in; Router market in decline due to ?over-buy? capacity; Equinix Cloud Exchange ?ExpressRoutes? Office 365 via Azure; Women spearhead regional telecommunications review panel; Ericsson cracks the code to successful telco growth.

6th May 2015


M2 trumps TPG bid for iiNet with scrip and cash offer iiNet takeover wars heat up further TPG buys more Amcom shares in bid to block Vocus TPG pipes in a winner against NBN in court case 5G Not about faster speeds but business for operators Big changes ahead for ?GenNBN? generation, says NBN

1st May 2015


iiNet takeover wars heat up further; TPG buys more Amcom shares in bid to block Vocus; Telstra promotes Bray to CFO; No CHOICE but for some of us to help stop Aust Gov?t anti-piracy plan?; Samsung regains top smartphone sales spot but total revenues slip.

1st May 2015


NBN Co and Telstra sign the Big Deal; and new anti cherry picking rules released; Malcolm Turnbull ? CommsWire Man of the Year; Telstra the big winner from NBN deal; Telstra in firm discussions to acquire Pacnet; and Vocus finally acquires Amcom; Telco complaints drop again ? but NBN connection issues a worry ; Construction on TGA cable to start in New Year; ACCAN welcomes accessibility inclusion; Mobile market ?set for fight? in 2015; Vodafone deploys Amdocs for better 4G; Australians taking...

19th December 2014


Amcom and Vocus take the next step as TPG raises the stakes; Optus turns the corner ? profit, revenues, customers up and introduces a mobile payments app ; NBN Co formalises the multi technology mix; Sydney rates poorly as a networked city; Optus selects NEC and NetCracker for OSS and NEC wins deal to boost Solomon Islands mobile and broadband; US court stops attempt to seize domain names; Kiwi telco levy draft published; Major spectrum management reform coming ; AMTA welcomes spectrum paper;...

14th November 2014


Major spectrum management reform coming; The Proposals; AMTA welcomes spectrum paper; ANALYSIS TPG raises the stakes in Amcom game; iiNet versus Dallas Buyers Club; Jumpin? Juniper! CEO ousted; Inmarsat readies to deliver global mobile, broadband services.

12th November 2014