
Revenue share of 62%: Telstra dominates Australian telecoms market; Aussies go over the top and cut the cable; Yomojo responds to Yatango down; Flexiroam launches, takes on Telstra?s roaming rip offs; ACMA releases 1800 mhz band for remote areas; Li-Fi ? 100 times faster than Wi-Fi; Telstra?s Ooyala appoints new CEO; Comms Alliance welcomes Gov?t move towards phone numbering framework.

3rd December 2015


Macquarie Telecom slams ACCC as ?out of touch? re: NBN competition; Wi-Fi dominates smartphone data consumption; Telstra's 'hip and trendy? flagship store opens in Melbourne; Yatango down and maybe out; Drive someone else?s car at Sydney and Brisbane airports; Optus does 5-year pre-paid deal driving OVO?s V8 Supercars; Optus offers Microsoft?s Lumia 950 and 950 XL with limited big bonuses.

1st December 2015


NBN trials new discount pricing model for service providers; Telecoms security reform legislation still a concern for industry; NextDC putting A$200 million into data centre network expansion; Postage, stamp rates on verge of increase to $1; Telstra, NRL extend sponsorship, digital rights deal; ANZ Bank enhances Internet banking with new website; Digital radio takeup increasing to cover home, work, car.

30th November 2015


Andy Penn champions innovation in his 2015 Charles Todd Oration; NBN got what it paid for?will now cost almost half as much again to fix it; Australia links to APAC intelligence centres in fight against cyber crime; More flexibility for smaller service providers with proposed TCP code changes; Australian Telecommunication consumers, since 1870, need heroes; Microsoft Lumia 950/XL ? Australian release 7 December; PayPal joins eftpos payment system; InspireWire

27th November 2015


Ericsson has released its November 2015 Mobility Report: video traffic to soar; TNZI to quadruple its European network; nbn looks set to get a new board member; Telco protection code delivers millions in savings to consumers; Vodafone perks up Prepaid Combo with ?year of bonus data?; Telstra adds iPad Pro to its plans; Norwood?s World Phone does first ?Double Million? as Android approaches

19th November 2015


DTO snubs advice from peak industry bodies; Microsoft pushes Azure and cloud in Ignite keynote; Macquarie Telecom, VMware collaborate in the cloud; SmartTrans on growth path in China market; Nokia joins Open Compute Project; Cisco's financial results reflect growing demand for switches; Wynyard?s $3.2M cyber solution Telstra deal; Microsoft Office 365 now live through AXONVX virtual exchange.

18th November 2015


Ericsson, Cisco combined to create ?networks of the future?; Arctic reaction from Internet Australia to the TPP release; nbn triples revenue, loses $336 million for quarter; Another Telstra claimed WORLD FIRST: breaking past the 4G barrier; Ericsson explains Telstra?s LTE-A 1Gbps achievement; CIOs respond to Shadow IT challenge: report; At home or in public, hackers may be spying on you via your smartphone cam.

10th November 2015


ACCC proposes ?superfast? broadband access regulation; Dubber launches in US market with first up client; Huawei designs its own chips ? faster, cheaper, better; TPPA: Last chance for Labor to gain some cred; Android malware so difficult to remove you might need to buy a new smartphone; Welcome to the age of Ossia?s true wireless charging; Telstra taking ACCC to Federal Court over ruling to drop charges.

9th November 2015


Telstra share loss in consumer postpaid sector as Optus enjoys postpaid growth; Vocus, M2 merger nearing completion with ACCC giving green light; Optus lands A$115 million Australian Government contract; Mobile coverage at 100% with SatSleeve says Optus; UXC Oxygen on the rails with SAP deployment; OPPO goes Australia-wide with TeleChoice; ShoreTel lifts Aussie market presence with M5 acquisition.

6th November 2015


Telstra to transform into technology provider: Penn; Australia on the road to mobile phone ubiquity; $116 billion at stake from development of the Internet of Things; Equinix, Oracle collaborate on cloud services; Verizon looks to accelerate IoT adoption with new platform; Apple Pay coming to Australia in 2015 via American Express; Watch Foxtel within minutes of sign-up.

30th October 2015