
COVER STORY: TELSTRA REVEALS PACNET SECURITY BREACH Mystery hackers attack Pacnet: Telstra reveals all Free legal advice from iiNet and $10 fines expected for Dallas downloaders Dallas Buyers Club to sue other ISP customers, takes action in Singapore Huawei launches Agile Internet of Things architecture with LIteOS Telcos noticeably absent from desirable Australian employers list Internet TV, consumer choice to drive fourfold increase in use of OTT services Dramatic rise in mobile data traffic...

22nd May 2015


COVER STORY: MACQUARIE BANK BUYS BACK THE FARM FROM CROWN CASTLE Macquarie Bank buys Australia?s mobile towers from crown castle for $2B Optus boosts MODEST profits with strong mobile growth Budget: NBN fast track, Netflix tax, multinational crackdown, SME relief, more Data retention compliance allocation could force smaller ISPs out of business Telstra takes Ericsson?s CDN on board for network delivered media Foxtel welcomes tax on digital transactions Telstra rides the Pacnet wave to extend...

15th May 2015


TIO: Net and landline complaints up, overall complaints down; Telstra breached Structural Separation obligations in 2014: ACCC; Telstra?s new Pre-Paid mobile data prices: impressive; Virgin Mobile?s new plans deliver more data too; Samsung announces new ARTIK 1 chip for next-gen IoT devices; ECONOMUSE: Are CVCs ?evil, stupid and counterproductive??

14th May 2015


Budget: NBN fast tracking, Netflix tax, multinational tax crackdown, SME relief; Data retention compliance allocation could force ISPs out of business; Verizon to buy AOL for US$4.4 Billion; NZ beats Australia in Netflix speed rankings; Penn?s Telstra pushes globally optical PEN: high-bandwidth; ZipTel?s ZipT VoIP app aims to beat Skype; Mobile advertising set for huge growth:new report.

13th May 2015


Telstra takes Ericsson?s CDN for network delivered media; Foxtel welcomes GST tax on digital transactions; Nokia?s strategic partnership for ?exceptional IT infrastructure?; Telstra rides the Pacnet wave to extend China market reach; iPhone holds its own as China smartphone market slips back; Shift in education to 'all-wireless' classrooms.

12th May 2015


Telstra hits back at competitors with aggressive mobile plans; Ericsson threat to Apple bottom line as wireless patent war expands into Europe; LTE demand drives growth in data management; US court rules that NSA phone data collection illegal; Samsung to unveil new IoT chipset at Internet of Things World 2015; Uber makes bid for Nokia?s HERE maps.

11th May 2015


Telstra speeds up Australia, Singapore data link with ?lowest? latency connection; ISP sparks into action over NZ internet charges; CSIRO, AARNet part of ?breakthrough? global open SDN project; Market declares TPG winner of iiNet bout, but is the fight over yet?; Mozilla deprecates HTTP: new features for HTTPS sites only; Fibre: good for the environment, not just your bowels.

8th May 2015


Telstra to appeal Privacy Commissioner metadata ruling about personal information; Inabox acquisition of Anittel positive for financials; Workers of the Nokia world knock Nokia in scathing report; ACMA cracks whip over unlicensed mobile phone repeaters; Hitachi nets Netcomm to enable smart energy comms; Nextgen connects Pilbara miner with Perth ops centre.

5th May 2015


iiNet takeover wars heat up further; TPG buys more Amcom shares in bid to block Vocus; Telstra promotes Bray to CFO; No CHOICE but for some of us to help stop Aust Gov?t anti-piracy plan?; Samsung regains top smartphone sales spot but total revenues slip.

1st May 2015


590Mbps speeds on Telstra LTE-A, VoLTE on, ViLTE coming; Squeeze on Telstra mobile customer revenue; Amaysim amazingly adds more 4G data at no extra cost; 'No iOS Zone': How a DoS attack can be made on iPads and iPhones; Mobile malware problem massively overhyped.

24th April 2015