Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy

The latest issue of our journal, the Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, is now available on the TelSoc website at  Please have a look at it.  You can download the full issue (towards the bottom of the issue page) or select individual articles.  All content is free to financial members of TelSoc (when logged in).

There are four papers that contribute to automatically detecting fake news or phishing attempts.  These papers give some insight into how effective commercially developed systems may be in filtering out misinformation, disinformation or malicious content.  There are also two papers (by the same authors) that describe experiments with using Google Location data to track potential COVID-19 spreaders and to identify hotspots for contagious spreading.

Many of the papers use Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods.  This is not the scary end of AI but, rather, a bundle of techniques, some of which predate the “AI” tag, that can be used to identify features in large datasets.  Taken together, the issue provides some insight into the continuing expansion of AI technology.

We also publish an obituary of Harry Wragge, a former head of Telecom/Telstra Research Laboratories, who died in July 2023.  He will be remembered particularly for his pivotal role in the introduction of digital transmission and switching in the 1960s and 1970s.

As always, we welcome any comments or feedback you may have.