Fraudsters use stolen mobile numbers to drain bank accounts: TIO Australian consumers are reporting having their bank accounts drained by fraudsters and their email inboxes accessed in the latest scam involving theft of mobile numbers, according to the newly published report on fraud from the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman.

7th February 2019

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Smartphone shipments had worst ever year in 2018 Smartphone shipments fell for the fifth consecutive quarter in the final quarter of 2018, with 375.4 million units shipped, a drop of 4.9% year-on-year, according to its preliminary figures from technology analyst firm IDC.

6th February 2019

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GSMA seeks to discuss Huawei issue at next board meeting The mobile operators trade body, GSM Association, has proposed that its members hold a discussion about possible exclusion of Chinese telecommunications equipment vendor Huawei Technologies from many developed markets, with operators fearing this may set them back by years.

5th February 2019

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CEPU blames Penn for lack of upskilling Telstra chief executive Andy Penn has been taken to task by the Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union national president Shane Murphy over the decision to fill the skills gap by recruiting and employing people in India rather than upskilling its existing workers.

2nd February 2019

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Optus 5G launches 50Mbps down, 20Mbps up, $70 unlimited Optus has launched its fixed 5G wireless service, with three sites live now in January 2019, and 1200 to be delivered by March 2020, but a number of quarters are asking if 5G is safe.

1st February 2019

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NetComm launches 5G fixed wireless self-installation tech Networking solutions provider NetComm Wireless has launched 5G fixed wireless self-installation technology that it claims will reduce the time taken and cost incurred for operators to connect customers to ultra-fast broadband.

31st January 2019

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TPG drops mobile network plan due to Huawei ban Telecommunications provider TPG Telecom has cancelled plans for rolling out a mobile network, and said the ban imposed by the Australian Government on Chinese telecommunications equipment provider Huawei Technologies is the main reason.

30th January 2019

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Indigo completes installation of new subsea cable system A consortium comprising Telstra, AARNet, Google, Indosat Ooredoo, Singtel and SubPartners has announced a significant milestone in the construction of the INDIGO subsea cable system with the installations of the INDIGO West and INDIGO Central cables completed as scheduled.

26th January 2019

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NBN Co's 100Mbps move suits ISPs offering contracts: claim The NBN Co's latest promotional move, offering retail service providers $160 for each customer who signs up for a 100Mbps service, effectively requires these customers not to downgrade or disconnect until January 2021, according to the head of a small ISP.

25th January 2019

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NBN users told to check if they are entitled to refunds The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has asked NBN users who experience slow speeds to check with their providers if they are eligible for a refund in line with agreements that the watchdog negotiated with providers over the last 15 months.

24th January 2019

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