AARNet, Cisco achieve 600Gbps speeds on production network Australia's Academic and Research Network and global networking vendor Cisco have conducted a successful test of transmitting data at 600Gbps on the AARNet production network, using the Cisco Network Convergence System 1004.

8th March 2019

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ACMA hits 31 telcos for non compliance with consumer rules on NBN The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has completed 38 investigations and issued enforcement notices against 31 telcos for non compliance with new rules designed to help consumers moving to the National Broadband Network.

7th March 2019

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Australia slips in fixed broadband speeds while mobile prospers Australia has slipped five places from 55th in December to 60th in January with an average download speed of 33.28Mbps in the fixed broadband table compiled by Ookla, the company that provides the online Speedtest application for testing download and upload speeds.

6th March 2019

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Coles snubs Telstra, cuts $100m NBN deal with Optus Retail giant Coles has unveiled a multi-year $100 million partnership with the business division of Singtel Optus to move its outlets to the national broadband network.

5th March 2019

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Telco prices down and more data offered, says competition watchdog Australia’s competition watchdog, the ACCC, says lower prices and growing data services have been the key consumer benefits in the period 2017–18, with mobile phone services dropping by 8.3% in real terms, and fixed broadband prices falling by 1.5%.

2nd March 2019

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Vodafone criticises Telstra call for lower NBN prices Vodafone Hutchison Australia chief executive Iñaki Berroeta has criticised Telstra for seeking a drop in NBN prices at a time when it is receiving $2.5 billion from NBN Co for use of its infrastructure and for customers who have been transferred over.

1st March 2019

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ACMA warns telcos to comply with customer data obligations The Australian Communications and Media Authority has told 11 telecommunications providers to comply with their obligations that support emergency service across the country.

28th February 2019

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Vodafone chief asks US to share evidence about Huawei Vodafone chief executive Nick Read says the US must share any evidence it has about Chinese telecommunications equipment vendor Huawei Technologies with authorities in Europe, so that they can make an unified decision on using equipment from the company.

27th February 2019

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ACMA to issue revised rules for international mobile roaming The Australian Communications and Media Authority will release modified rules for international mobile roaming later this year, based not on the International Mobile Roaming Standard, but one more attuned to service providers with similar, more flexible rules.

26th February 2019

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Follow our way, not the Huawei, Pompeo tells dissenters US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has told the Fox Business Network that Washington would not partner, or share information, with any country that used Chinese telco Huawei Technologies’ gear in its 5G networks.

23rd February 2019

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