‘Credential abuse’ via ISPs main attack source in Australia Ninety percent of the Australia’s credential abuse attacks are delivered from within Australia via local ISP networks, according to a new study which also found that a growing number of internationally-based cybercriminals are routing attacks via homegrown networks.

17th April 2019

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China tells Australia that 5G ban may breach WTO rules China has told Australia that its restrictions on 5G technology are discriminatory and likely to have broken global trade rules drafted by the World Trade Organisation.

16th April 2019

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China slams Australia over 'double standards' in cyber security China has taken a swipe at Australia over the country's encryption law, saying it was "baffling" how Canberra could on the one hand claim that other countries posed security threats, while on the other hand engage in acts that endangered the cyber security of other nations.

13th April 2019

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China slams Australia over 'double standards' in cyber security China has taken a swipe at Australia over the country's encryption law, saying it was "baffling" how Canberra could on the one hand claim that other countries posed security threats, while on the other hand engage in acts that endangered the cyber security of other nations.

13th April 2019

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Vodafone's Berroeta has one thing in spades: chutzpah COMMENT: Vodafone Hutchison Australia chief executive Iñaki Berroeta certainly does not lack chutzpah. He is now floating the idea that VHA should be paid compensation because the company cannot use Huawei gear in its 5G network rollout.

11th April 2019

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NBN Co prices affecting plan affordability, says ACCC chief The pricing introduced by NBN Co in the last six months has led to the cost of basic NBN plans becoming an affordability issue for Australians on lower incomes, the chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Rod Sims, says.

10th April 2019

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Labor asks why 183,000 cannot get even 25Mbps on FttN The Australian Labor Party has questioned why 183,000 households who have fibre-to-the-node connections on the NBN cannot get even the minimum speeds of 25Mbps as of March.

9th April 2019

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NBN Co prices affecting plan affordability, says ACCC chief The pricing introduced by NBN Co in the last six months has led to the cost of basic NBN plans becoming an affordability issue for Australians on lower incomes, the chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Rod Sims, says.

9th April 2019

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Labor asks why 183,000 cannot get even 25Mbps on FttN The Australian Labor Party has questioned why 183,000 households who have fibre-to-the-node connections on the NBN cannot get even the minimum speeds of 25Mbps as of March.

8th April 2019

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Optus call for regulatory reform to facilitate 5G deployment Optus has called for national reform to facilitate 5G deployment and urged industry and government collaboration to reassess what it calls “outdated” deployment rules. New social media laws rammed through Parliament New laws that target social media platforms which allow live streaming and broadcast of violent crimes has been passed by the Australian Parliament.

6th April 2019

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