TPG, Vodafone will make concessions to ensure merger: analyst TPG Telecom and Vodafone Hutchison Australia are tipped to make sufficient concessions to the ACCC that would see TPG remaining in the market as a price-fighter brand, three days ahead of a final decision on the proposed merger is due to be handed down.

7th May 2019

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ACCC wants continued regulation of wholesale mobile services Australia’s competition watchdog, the ACCC, has proposed that the country’s wholesale mobile voice services should continue to be regulated for a further five years.

4th May 2019

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British defence minister sacked over Huawei policy leak British Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has been sacked for leaking information about the UK's policy on Huawei which was decided at a meeting of the country's National Security Council on 23 April.

3rd May 2019

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The latest issue of the Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy (JTDE) is now available via the TelSoc website.

1st May 2019

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No info-sharing if you use Huawei, US tells UK The United States says it sees no distinction between the core of a 5G network and its radio access network, and will reconsider sharing information with any ally that uses equipment made by Chinese vendor Huawei Technologies in its next-generation telecommunications network.

1st May 2019

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China envoy urges UK to act 'independently' on 5G suppliers China's ambassador to the UK has called on the British Government to make "the right decision independently" while choosing equipment suppliers for 5G networks and ignore any external pressure to ban Chinese vendor Huawei Technologies.

30th April 2019

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UK gives Huawei green light for 5G role: report British Prime Minister Theresa May has reportedly agreed to let Chinese telecommunications equipment vendor Huawei Technologies play a role in the rollout of 5G networks in the UK.

25th April 2019

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Despite US pressure, Huawei revenue continues to rise In what is clearly a bid to rile its US detractors, Chinese telecommunications equipment giant Huawei Technologies has announced results for the first quarter — something it has never done — showing a revenue increase of 39% year-on-year.

24th April 2019

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Australia lags in take-up, penetration of FttH in APAC region Australia lags well behind Asia Pacific markets like Singapore, China and South Korea in the take-up and penetration of fibre to the home/building (FttH/B) services, according to a newly published report.

19th April 2019

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Call for NBN Co board resignation over ‘failure to deliver’ on core mission Commpete, the former Competitive Carriers Coalition, has called for the resignation of the board of NBN Co, the company rolling out the Australian national broadband network, accusing it of comprehensively failing in its core mission, including driving a more competitive telecommunications sector.

18th April 2019

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