ACMA issues new rules for intelligent transport systems The Australian Communications and Media Authority has introduced new rules for road traffic authorities to put intelligent transport systems in place. Skype teams up with Signal to offer encrypted chats Open Whisper Systems, the maker of the privacy-focused Signal messaging app, will be helping Microsoft to introduce a Private Conversations feature in Skype.

16th January 2018

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Welcome to the first copy of CommsWire for 2018 from TelSoc. Write-down of NBN firmly on the cards A write-down of the national broadband network is now firmly on the cards after the competition watchdog joined the chorus supporting it, according to a prominent telecommunications analyst.

15th January 2018

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Welcome to the first copy of CommsWire for 2018 from TelSoc. Write-down of NBN firmly on the cards A write-down of the national broadband network is now firmly on the cards after the competition watchdog joined the chorus supporting it, according to a prominent telecommunications analyst.

15th January 2018

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Welcome to the first copy of CommsWire for 2018 from TelSoc. Write-down of NBN firmly on the cards A write-down of the national broadband network is now firmly on the cards after the competition watchdog joined the chorus supporting it, according to a prominent telecommunications analyst.

15th January 2018

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This is the final edition of CommsWire for 2017. We will return on 15 January 2018. We wish you a Merry  Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Tim Herring and the TelSoc Board

22nd December 2017

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Video streaming threatens mobile network performances: Telstra There is an emerging threat to the performance of mobile networks with the risk that peak demand from the video streaming explosion might swamp network cell capacity, according to a senior Telstra executive.

21st December 2017

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Australia-Singapore cable opens up new strategic data route, says Vocus  The Australia Singapore Cable (ASC) network will open the door for a new strategic data route - the Great Southern Route - connecting South East Asia to North America via Australia, according to owner Vocus, when it opens for business in July 2018.

20th December 2017

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ACCC scrutinising NBN service standards in light of increasing complaints The competition watchdog the ACCC ? concerned about increasing service complaints to the National Broadband Network - has issued a discussion paper as part of its inquiry to consider whether regulation is necessary to improve customer experiences with the NBN.

19th December 2017

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Court action against Optus over allegations of misleading customers on NBN The ACCC has hauled Australia?s second largest telco Optus before the Federal Court, alleging the company misled customers about the need to move quickly from its existing HFC network to the National Broadband Network.

18th December 2017

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NBN Co unveils new pricing structure with discounted wholesale costs In what it describes as ?dramatic discounts on its top-tier internet access plans? NBN Co has unveiled a new lower cost wholesale pricing structure for retail service providers. Some welcome the move, while political critics have labelled the announcement as a capitulation.

15th December 2017

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