Huawei showcases Smart City Nervous System at SCWEC 2017 Huawei, participating in the Smart City Expo World Congress 2017 (SCEWC) in Barcelona, says it has created a Smart City Nervous System for more than 100 cities with ?leading new ICT?.

16th November 2017

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NBN Co revenue up, but red ink still on balance sheet NBN Co has pulled in $405 million revenue during the first quarter of fiscal 2018, an increase of 124% over the $181 million generated in the corresponding quarter a year ago. However, the company rolling out Australia's national broadband network is still bleeding red ink.

15th November 2017

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Deutsche Telekom CTO: FTTP goal meant lots of FTTN in Germany Deutsche Telekom's CTO, Bruno Jacobfeuerborn, speaking at the NBN Global Broadband Futures conference in Sydney stated the giant telco?s vision in 2012 was fibre for all by 2018, but the reality since that time has meant a lot of FTTN.

14th November 2017

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Government launches ?world first? satellite positioning trial The Australian Government has launched a GeoScience-led trial of what is claimed as ?world-first? satellite positioning technology.

13th November 2017

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Yes, Optus too may need to refund NBN customers A day after Telstra admitted that it had overcharged NBN customers, promising them unattainable speeds, Australia's second largest telco Optus has made a similar confession and said it is working with the ACCC to provide compensation to those who have been affected.

10th November 2017

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Telstra agrees to refund 42,000 customers over NBN speed claims Telstra has been forced to compensate up to 42,000 users of its NBN Internet services after the ACCC censured the carrier for failing to deliver the promised speeds that were advertised.

9th November 2017

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MyNetFone launches global toll free service Hosted voice, data communications and VoIP telecoms provider MyNetFone has launched an international toll free service for business consumers, including the small end of town.

8th November 2017

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Laying of southern portion of Hawaiki cable set to start The laying of the southern portion of the 15000km Hawaiki cable system from Sydney and then across the Pacific Ocean is poised to get underway, with more than 6500km of undersea fibre-optic cable on board the TE Subcom cable ship Responder berthed in the harbour city.

6th November 2017

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ACCC announces public inquiry into NBN wholesale service standards The ACCC has announced "a public inquiry to determine whether NBN wholesale service standard levels are appropriate, and to consider whether regulation is necessary to improve customer experiences."

3rd November 2017

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ACCC cautious 5G welcome sees competition issues flagged The ACCC says it is "rethinking the way it approaches spectrum competition issues ahead of the upcoming 5G auction."

2nd November 2017

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