Federal Government introduces Telecom Reform Package legislation The Australian Government has finally tabled legislation in Parliament with promises to reform the telecommunications market ?to promote competition and to improve access to broadband services for all Australians, especially those in regional, rural and remote areas.?

23rd June 2017

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What's my speed? Ah, says NBN Co, that is a secret NBN Co is refusing to release individual speeds that consumers can attain, despite calls from other telecommunications firms to do so.

22nd June 2017

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Telstra payphones will disappear if USO scrapped Australia's familiar network of payphone booths will disappear if the Productivity Commission's recommendation to scrap the voice-based telecommunications universal service obligation is accepted by the government.

21st June 2017

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Productivity Commission calls for winding up of USO by 2020 The much-criticised telecoms industry Universal Service Obligation (USO) finally looks set for the scrapheap, with the Productivity Commission recommending to the Federal Government the winding up of the program by 2020.

20th June 2017

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In midst of encryption debate, NBN Co pushes use of VPNs In what can only be termed a curious coincidence, the NBN Co, the company building the national broadband network, has published a blog post about the benefits of using a VPN - right at the time when the government is making noises about bringing in curbs on encryption.

19th June 2017

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Vocus turns down KKR bid, apologises for missteps Australian telco Vocus has turned down a $3.3 billion takeover from US equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, with chief executive Geoff Horth using an investors' day this week to also apologise to shareholders for recent problems.

16th June 2017

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Telstra set to sack 1400 staff in cost cutting drive Telstra is set to lay off about 1400 workers as part of an ongoing plan to reduce its operating costs by about $1 billion over five years. Spark, Nokia seal partnership on road to NZ 5G introduction New Zealand?s biggest telco Spark is partnering with Nokia in a move designed to prepare New Zealand for the introduction of 5G, ultra-broadband and IoT.

15th June 2017

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LTE drives mobile broadband explosion: Ericsson More than one million new mobile broadband subscribers every day are being added to networks around the world with an estimated 2.6 billion subscribers expected to be signed up through to 2022.

14th June 2017

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ACCAN?s future assured to 2022 with govt funding decision A cloud over the immediate future and very existence of the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) has been lifted, with the federal government?s announcement of a new agreement to fund the telecoms consumer interest group for the next five years.

13th June 2017

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Telstra: mobile black spot announcement justifies no roaming decision Telstra?s rollout of the Federal Government?s Mobile Black Spot Program is ramping up further and the carrier is using its announcement to justify the recent ACCC draft decision not to declare mobile roaming.

9th June 2017

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