ACCC announces upcoming tender for broadband monitoring testers The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has signalled a May launch for a request for tenders from testers of its previously announced Broadband Performance Monitoring and Reporting Program.

25th May 2017

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NBN Co chief Morrow told to 'cut out the spin' NBN Co chief executive Bill Morrow's claim that any upgrades to Australia's national broadband network will be funded by the company itself have been called into question by Internet Australia executive director Laurie Patton.

24th May 2017

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Review recommends redefining ACMA role, sector-wide reforms still to come The Federal Government?s two-year review of the Australian Communications and Media Authority has made 27 recommendations for reform of ACMA including a more defined role of its regulatory remit at a time of ?radical change? in the communications sector over 10 years.

23rd May 2017

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Government consulting industry on spectrum reform The federal government has embarked on an industry consultation process ahead of bringing in changes aimed at reforming Australia?s spectrum management system, a key part of the country's telecommunications and communications infrastructure.

22nd May 2017

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New Zealand delivers cheaper high-end broadband than Australia Zealand's competition enforcement and regulatory agency, the Commerce Commission, says the country?s consumers are receiving increased value for money across a range of telecommunications services and broadband plans, with some fibre voice and broadband plans costing significantly less than the equivalent Australian plans.

19th May 2017

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Vodafone smashes Telstra, Optus on consumer complaints rate Vodafone has trumpeted a 22% decline in the rate of consumer complaints between the December and March quarters ? and a complaints ratio for the March quarter more than 50% lower than the industry average.

18th May 2017

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TPG raises $320m, joins cashed-up Telstra competitors Australia's fourth largest telecommunications player TPG has achieved its targeted fund-raising announced a month ago, raising $320.2 million to help fund its planned new mobile network. TPG has now joined a coterie of well-funded competitors threatening Telstra?s dominance.

17th May 2017

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Telstra to offer services in one integrated intelligent platform Telstra is offering its Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Virtualisation capabilities, cloud platform and data centres, and global and Australian networks, in one integrated and intelligent platform that provides network-as-a-service.

16th May 2017

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UK researcher unknowingly ends global ransomware attack The Windows ransomware attacks that occurred over the weekend, putting British patients' lives at risk and paralysing organisations in nearly 100 other countries, has been stopped in its tracks purely by accident.

15th May 2017

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Morrow upbeat as NBN hits $665 million in revenues The National Broadband Network brought in total revenues of $665 million for the nine months to the end of March ? up by 142% compared to the third quarter of 2016 ? with the number of residential and business premises now able to order a service reaching 4.6 million across Australia.

12th May 2017

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