Announcing TelSoc's new webpage devoted to articles on Australia's national broadband network: the history, new critiques of the status quo, and visions for a better future.

12th April 2017

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TelSoc is holding a forum on telecommunications and security between 22-23 November at the Rendezvous Hotel in Melbourne. Put the forum into your calendar now and start spreading the word to colleagues!

12th April 2017

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Tucker: Australia locked out of world class broadband Australia?s increasing use of fibre to the node (FTTN) has locked the country out of world-class broadband for years to come. If Australia is ever to obtain first-class broadband services, it will be necessary to replace FTTN with higher speed technologies says Professor Rod Tucker.

11th April 2017

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Tucker: Australia locked out of world class broadband Australia?s increasing use of fibre to the node (FTTN) has locked the country out of world-class broadband for years to come. If Australia is ever to obtain first-class broadband services, it will be necessary to replace FTTN with higher speed technologies says Professor Rod Tucker.

11th April 2017

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ACCC to monitor fixed-line NBN speeds The Australian Government has announced a programme to provide consumers more information about the speeds they can expect when using fixed-line broadband connections on the national broadband network.

10th April 2017

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Telstra, Google join consortium to build Asia Pacific subsea cable system A consortium of major tech players, including Telstra and Google, has joined forces to build a new international subsea cable system under an agreement with Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN).

7th April 2017

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NBN Co hiding poor technology from users, says expert The NBN Co has not undertaken any demonstrations to show Australians what kind of speeds are needed to get good response times when streaming videos, because to do so would show the inadequacy of the technology being used, a network expert says.

6th April 2017

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Exclusive: Quigley blames Turnbull for NBN mess The man who led NBN Co from day one until he quit in July 2013 following a change of government lays the blame for the present mess largely at the feet of one man: the current Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

5th April 2017

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NBN attracts new fixed broadband users, leads to ISP churn The rollout of the national broadband network is convincing Australians to take up fixed broadband Internet connections for the first time and persuading others, who are already users, to switch providers.

4th April 2017

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Optus Satellite wins inflight wi-fi deal with Virgin Australia Virgin Australia has announced that inflight connectivity provider Gogo and Optus Satellite have got the nod to provide inflight wi-fi on the airline?s domestic and international services.

3rd April 2017

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