NBN: politicians are short-changing the masses Soon after any federal election, it is common for leaders of one or both major parties to indulge in platitudes about governing in the national interest. In the end, only the most partisan politics prevails. And that is likely to be the same in the case of the NBN. Telstra brand evolution: not a new logo, but a renewed commitment

19th July 2016

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Android Pay arrives Google's Android Pay mobile payments system has arrived in Australia with American Express and Visa cards first off the rank, with MasterCard to be added "in a few days." Mobile strategies in ANZ yet to mature: survey A survey sponsored by open source firm Red Hat has found that most businesses in Australia and New Zealand know how mobile devices can deliver value and have begun to implement a mobility strategy.

18th July 2016

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NBN Co takes on raft of new partners to deploy HFC network NBN Co has inked contracts with six delivery partners to deliver the National Broadband Network to homes and businesses across Telstra?s HFC network around Australia. Lendlease scores new NBN infrastructure contract Property and infrastructure group, Lendlease, has been contracted to deliver NBN network infrastructure in the Sydney North and Gold coast regions.

15th July 2016

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The Productivity Commission and the USO Will it tackle the $300m pa paid to Telstra for the USO? OSSii agreement renewed and extended by Ericsson, Huawei and Nokia In order to ?make the integration of mobile network management systems easier,? the top three global telecom equipment makers have renewed their OSSii agreement. Megaport partners with Cologix in US, Canadian markets

14th July 2016

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Optus refunding $2 million to customers over mobile phone insurance breaches Optus is refunding more than $2 million to around 175,000 of its mobile customers after failing to disclose information about its mobile phone insurance. Boost Mobile's new plans, more data, int?l calls but 28-day expiry

13th July 2016

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Consumer group claims customers paying 'Telstra tax' Choice, a group that advocates on behalf of consumers, has claimed that customers accessing Telstra's network pay a premium that may be as much as 92% more. Telstra says Choice analysis of its plans 'flawed' Australia's biggest telco Telstra has refuted claims made by Choice that it is charging customers a 92% premium for using its network.

12th July 2016

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Telstra axing jobs as it outsources contact centre work overseas Telstra is slashing more than 300 jobs in its customer service centres, with most of the work to be outsourced to the Philippines. Telstra seals another APAC investment deal Telstra?s growth push in the Asia Pacific region has again been boosted by a strategic investment in Chinese communications application programming interfaces (APIs) provider Cloopen.

11th July 2016

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ANZ and global IT spending forecast dragged down by communications A decline in communications spending has been forecast to drag down Australasian and global IT spending for 2016, while IT services will be a growth area, according to a new report from analysts at Gartner. Optus, SpinTel do deal on NBN access

8th July 2016

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Conroy wants end to AFP's NBN investigation, calls for Switkowski resignation Labor Senator Stephen Conroy wants an immediate end to the investigation by the Australian Federal Police into NBN document leaks and has called for the resignation of NBN Co chairman Ziggy Switkowski over raids on his office. Telstra ticks but Optus picks ?PICK? of regional approval

7th July 2016

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AIIA says electronic voting makes a lot of sense Australia would save both money and time if it turned to electronic voting, the Australian Information Industry Association, the nation's peak body for the technology industry, claims. Electronic voting? Not on your life The Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) has joined the growing throng of calls for Australia to move to electronic voting. And why wouldn?t it?

6th July 2016

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