Telstra goes small to go big for ?even more? 4G to regional Australians Telstra is rolling out 135 4G small cell base stations so more than 130 rural and regional communities will benefit from Telstra?s fast 4G mobile coverage. Cisco networking report underlines need for faster broadband.

21st June 2016

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With a sample size of 0.05%, Open Signal dubs Australia?s mobile networks FAST With more than 15 million smartphones in Australia, Open Signal?s sample size of 0.05% is enough for it to declare Australia?s mobile networks fast and widely available. Freestyle opens IoT development centre in Melbourne M2M specialist Freestyle Technology officially opened its IoT innovation centre today.

20th June 2016

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Australian data centre services market: growing at 12.4% CAGR to 2022, $2+ Villion by 2021 Demand and growth of the Australian data centre (DC) services market is being driven by big data, IoT, analytics, mobile data, storage, computing power, infrastructure and more. Internet Australia takes Switkowski to task over NBN ?leaks? comments

17th June 2016

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Ziggy found to have breached caretaker conventions NBN Co chairman Ziggy Switkowski was warned not to submit an opinion piece to Fairfax Media in which he defended the AFP raids on Labor functionaries in a quest to find out who had leaked documents about the NBN which resulted in several unfavourable articles appearing in various media. Alert: Check medical alarms are NBN compatible

16th June 2016

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Fifield claims Labor's NBN policy based on 'two great deceits' The federal government claims Labor's NBN policy for the July 2 election, announced on Monday, is based on "two great deceits". US Appeals Court upholds ?net neutrality? rules The US ?DC Circuit? court has announced it has upheld the FCC?s ?Open Internet Rules? in a judgement overnight.

15th June 2016

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We've had a couple of queries about this morning's edition not opening correctly. So just to be sure that you have not missed out we're sending it to you again. Apologies for any inconvenience. Tim Herring, TelSoc Exec Director

15th June 2016

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Labor pledges 2m more will get FttP if it wins The Australian Labor Party has unveiled its NBN policy for the forthcoming federal election, pledging that up to two million more premises would get fibre to the premises (FttP) compared to what it called the "second-rate NBN" of the Coalition. IA supports Labor NBN review, wants stop to all political ?short-termism?

14th June 2016

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Spark puts on the gloves over $3.4 billion Sky TV and Vodafone NZ merger New Zealand?s clearly rattled dominant carrier Spark has pulled out all stops to downplay the announcement of a $3.4 billion reverse takeover of Vodafone NZ by satellite pay TV operator Sky TV. Australia fourth most vulnerable nation to hacking: study

10th June 2016

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Shadow regional comms minister flags return to Labor?s NBN ?original vision? The Labor Party is looking at a return to its "original vision? and plan for the National Broadband Network (NBN), according to Shadow Regional Communications Minister Stephen Jones, who told a digital forum in Brisbane on Wednesday the party is ?committed? to getting the NBN back on track. Time to get the politicians off the NBN hook

9th June 2016

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Australian elections: major parties silent on NBN policy The Australian federal election campaign has just crossed the halfway mark but one topic both major parties seem eager to avoid is the national broadband network. Telecommunications market under microscope with Productivity Commission review

8th June 2016

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