Telstra continues push into health care with new acquisition; The ACMA hits non-compliant telecommunications providers ? again!; Skype apologises for 21 Sept outage, offers free call time; Superloop shelling out $5.8 million for APEXnetworks; Virgin Mobile pops out free 1GB bonus streaming data with Guvera; 4G Americas publishes new details on 5G technology requirements; Inmarsat?s Pacific endeavour ensured critical comms in military exercise.

9th October 2015

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ABS June 2015 stats show SVOD spurred massive downloads increase; Is Telstra the bully or is it just the tragedy of the commons?; Ruckus unleashes superior yet simplified Wi-Fi for small biz; Strong compliance by industry with telco consumer code; Siemens, Cohda Wireless collaborate on smart infrastructure; Kenton Group to launch ?fibre-free? ultrafast 320Mbps broadband in Europe; Inmarsat selects Cobham SATCOM for terminal build.

8th October 2015

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Notice of TelSoc 2015 AGM and presentation by Gavin Williams, nbn Executive General Manager - New Developments, Wireless & Satellite. He will talk about nbn's SkyMuster satellite service and plans for the future.

7th October 2015

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Telstra the new Wi-Fi bandwidth bully; TPPA: No mention of any downside for Australia; The ACMA, Internet providers cooperating to combat cybercrime; NextDC housing Worldox Cloud in Australia; CSE, Alcatel-Lucent team up on distribution; AT&T, Brocade come together on Network on Demand Platform; Tait locates Asia Pacific HQ in Sydney.

7th October 2015

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SEA-ME-WE cable outage means Telstra Apple speed outrage; 50M vehicles with in-vehicle wireless charging by 2020; COMMENT: Metadata and site blocking to stay under Fifield?s Comms fiefdom; Software-defined Infrastructure will ?overhaul? data centre services opportunities; T-Mobile/Experian hacked, user data stolen; Wi-Fi routers the next attack vector.

6th October 2015

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First nbn satellite makes it off the ground; Mobile operators lag in customer data monetisation: research; Kmart Australia data breach ? online shoppers affected; Link links with Fujitsu for managed infrastructure; Weather forecasting just got better - much better.

2nd October 2015

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Vodafone and TPG?s billion dollar deals; ACCAN congratulates nbn and Arianespace on successful satellite launch; Amaysim?s amazing unlimited 1GB plan for $24.95; COMMENT: Has Microsoft led Macquarie Uni up the garden path?; Rackspace moves into managed security; NZ?s The Instillery partners with Purple WiFi.

1st October 2015

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OTT mobile voice revenues to hit $10+ billion by 2020 at telco expense; Europe and China sign key 5G partnership; Macquarie Uni dumps Gmail for Office 365 over US security concerns; Intralinks, HP team up in new data centre; Audinate ramps up Asia Pacific business.

30th September 2015

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Vocus, M2 to merge and create $3 billion telco; M2 and Vocus merger a welcome addition of scale: Ovum; Attention next-gen startups: Telstra?s muru-D wants you!; Telstra and Swinburne Institute launch Australian Digital Inclusion Index; ISPs could go out of business over data retention warns peak body.

29th September 2015

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2015 review of broadband pricing; COMMENT: We shouldn?t stop at already out of date MTM; Dubber seals deal with UK?s The Voice Factory; First loss in 30 years for Australia Post as letter service declines; Data breaches a growing threat to mobile payments.

28th September 2015

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