Critical for Australia's Economic Future
Wednesday, 29th March 2017
Smart cities and innovation are on the national agenda, but are they enough to ensure Australia captures the full economic opportunity
All cities metropolitan and regional are essential economic engines that are already coming under pressure to compete for jobs, investment and talent. Australia is falling behind in key competitive metrics and faces key capability gaps in how it is positioning its cities to win in the technologically disrupted future.
Based on the recently released whitepaper - A new world of cities and the future of Australia - and Nokia's global experience, this talk argues for a more sophisticated approach to cities as a key enabler of Australia's innovation and economic development. It puts forward six imperatives to help foster a national approach that overcomes legacy ideas about cities and ensure the appropriate policy, partnership and infrastructure enablers are in place.
This is a Melbourne Networked Society Institute (MNSI) event held in conjunction with the TelSoc and Nokia. It is a late afternoon event that is being held in lieu of TelSoc's usual end of month lunchtime lecture.
For more information about the venue including a map see: .
Date and Time
Wed, 29 Mar 2017
17:30 - 18:30 AEDT
Presentation Media
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