Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy

The latest issue of our journal, the Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, is now fully available on the TelSoc website at JTDE - Vol 9, No 4 - December 2021 | Telsoc .  There’s something for everyone, so please have a look.  All content is free to members (when logged in).

In the broad area of public policy, TelSoc’s Broadband Futures Group gives an assessment of Australia’s progress towards a national broadband strategy.  There is an important article about Wechat and the social credit system in China.  And there’s a summary of a recent Broadband Futures Forum on affordability.

In the section on the Digital Economy, we publish three careful analyses of the development and acceptance of digital transformation in several countries.  There may be few surprises here, but the detailed approaches provide good, empirical evidence.

On the Telecommunications topic, we publish two papers on technical aspects and an analysis of the reasons for customer churn.  Again, the authors have provided good evidence for their conclusions.

And our historical reprint recalls the planning of the copper-based telecommunications around the Snowy Mountains Scheme in the presence of high voltage electrical transmission lines.

As always, we welcome any comments you may have on our latest issue.