Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy

The bumper winter issue of our journal, the Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, is now available at Please have a look at it.

The main part in a Special Issue section on Digital Technologies and Innovation, with guest editors from Tunisia, Estonia and Canada. There are 12 papers on a wide range of topics, from the effects of language diversity on international teams to the benefits of humour in Facebook posts – and much more.

As well as the Special Issue section, there are other papers from our general submissions, including results of a survey of university students on their preferences for the use of technology in lectures and tutorials; a commentary on recent moves in regional mobile telecommunications access; and a summary of regulation for dynamic spectrum access.

Also, sadly, we carry an obituary for John Almgren. He and his company, JNA Telecommunications Ltd, were influential in the development of the local telecommunications industry and he was a strong supporter of TelSoc.

As always, we welcome any comments or feedback you may have.