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Seat selection

An Insight into Emerging Technologies

Thursday, 22nd June 2017

Non-members: $15.00; Financial members: FREE (discount applied when logged in).

Each year TelSoc hosts the Henry Sutton Oration in Melbourne to commemorate the distinguished Victorian scientist, engineer and inventor from Ballarat, Henry Sutton - who is scarcely known, but had a string of accomplishments and innovations in many areas.

We are pleased to have as the Orator distinguished innovator and technologist who has given a previous oration, but is now in a new and challenging role - H?kan Eriksson, now CTO of Telstra, and the former CTO of Ericsson worldwide.

We will also be joined live by a parallel event at Federation University in Ballarat which will be using this opportunity to celebrate possibly its most distinguished son.

TelSoc?s roots go back 143 years, but it will be using this opportunity to announce a new branding and a new direction to improve its relevance in the Telecommunications Industry in the 21st century.

Henry Sutton has an astounding list of accomplishments in many areas: electricity, lighting, telecommunications, motoring, flight, radio, printing, photography --- a genius in any terms and a good complement to Charles Todd as a legend of early Australian telecommunications.

This is a TelSoc live-streaming breakfast event and will replace June's monthly lunchtime lecture. Networking over a light, stand-up breakfast will be served from 7.30am.  Formalities will commence promptly at 7:50am and finish by 9am. Further networking over tea/coffee will continue until 9:30am.

Date and Time

Thu, 22 Jun 2017

07:30 - 09:30 AEST


UTS, Faculty of Engineering an IT
Level 6, Room 408
81-87 Broadway
Ultimo NSW 2007


H?kan Eriksson