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Energy Consumption in Data Centres and the Telecommunications Network

Tuesday, 28th November 2017

FREE and exclusive to TelSco financial Members

This event is fully booked or has passed.

This MEMBERS ONLY event incorporates a sandwich lunch, the TelSoc's Annual General Meeting and a lecture by Rod Tucker - Laureate Emeritus Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Melbourne.

The AGM will commence promptly at 12pm and needs 10% of current financial members (click-here to join now) in attendance for a meeting quorum. If you can't attend please nominate your proxy (eg. a fellow member or the president / chair of the meeting). Also, if you wish to nominate to become a TelSoc board member use the board nomination form. The list of 2017 Board nominations is on the TelSoc website.  

All the relevant AGM links are in the following table.  Note, you MUST be logged in and a current paid financial member to be able to view the respective details:

To nominate an AGM proxy: https://telsoc.org/nomination_form/nomination_proxy_telsoc_agm_2017
To nominate for the 2017 TelSoc Board: https://telsoc.org/nomination_form/board_member_nomination_form_2017
To view the 2017 TelSoc Board Nominations list: https://telsoc.org/agm-2017-nominations
To join the TelSoc: http://telsoc.org/membership

About Rod Tucker's presentation:

Data centre architects and network engineers are making great strides in improving the energy efficiency of the hardware and software that underpins the Internet.  However, rapid increases in the volume of data processed in data centres and distributed around the globe have largely negated these gains in energy efficiency.  The telecommunications sector today ranks among one of the most energy-hungry industries.

In this talk, Rod will present a tally of energy consumption in the global telecommunications network and its associated data centres.  I will speculate on trends into the 2020s and provide a high-level overview of some current research efforts aimed at stabilizing or even reducing the energy consumption of the network.


Date and Time

Tue, 28 Nov 2017

12:00 - 14:00 AEDT


Telstra Conferencing Centre - Level 1
242 Exhibition St
Melbourne VIC 3000


Rod Tucker

Rod Tucker is Laureate Emeritus Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Melbourne. He has previously held positions at Plessey Research, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, and Agilent Technologies. In 2009, he served on the Federal Government?s Panel of Experts that provided advice on the National Broadband Network.

Rod is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and Chair of the Academy?s National Committee for Information and Communication Sciences.  He is a fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, and the Optical Society of America.  He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE.  In 1997, he was awarded the Australia Prize for his contributions to telecommunications, and in 2007 he received the IEEE LEOS Aron Kressel Award for his contributions to Semiconductor Lasers. 

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