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900,000 households do not have an in-home internet connection: ACCAN Approximately 900,000 Australian households still do not have an in-home internet connection despite an increase in remote learning, telehealth services, and work-from-home arrangements in the last two years, the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network has revealed.   Apple adds 'Lockdown Mode' to protect users from government spyware

8th July 2022


Trent Czinner appointed Chair of AMTA The Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) has appointed mobile telecommunications executive Trent Czinner as its new chair.

17th February 2022


ACMA opens applications for low band 5G spectrum auction The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has opened applications for the upcoming 2021 auction of 5G spectrum in the 850/900 MHz band.

1st September 2021


NBN Co extends additional CVC capacity offer for Internet retailers NBN Co has further extended its National Broadband Network 40% additional wholesale Connectivity Virtual Circuit (CVC) capacity offer at no extra cost for Internet retailers until the end of November.

7th September 2020


NBN Co extends additional CVC capacity offer for Internet retailers NBN Co has further extended its National Broadband Network 40% additional wholesale Connectivity Virtual Circuit (CVC) capacity offer at no extra cost for Internet retailers until the end of November.

7th September 2020


Govt establishes Broadband Advisory Council to ‘maximise’ economic upside The Federal Government has established an Australian Broadband Advisory Council to provide it with advice on maximising the “economic upside” of increased digital connectivity for Australian businesses and consumers.

22nd July 2020


NBN Co waives additional capacity charges of up to 40% till May NBN Co will waive charges for up to 40% additional use of CVC by retail service providers from 23 March onwards due to the additional load on the network, after many Australians started working from home this week as a result of COVID-19.

19th March 2020


Vodafone significantly less complaints than Telstra and Optus The Communications Alliance has released its "first expanded Complaints in Context report”, showing that for participating service providers in July to September of this year, there were an average 6.8 complaints to the TIO per 10,000 Services in Operation. Vodafone was well below the average number while Telstra and Optus were just above.

19th December 2019


ACCC takes action against Superfone for alleged breaches The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has instituted Federal Court proceedings against telecommunications provider Superfone for alleged false or misleading representations, and for alleged breaches of laws designed to protect consumers from issues arising from unsolicited telemarketing sales.

11th December 2019


Internet began 50 years ago today in US On 29 October 1969 the first message was transmitted over ARPANET, the forerunner to the Internet. UCLA student programmer Charlie Kline used the University’s SDS Sigma 7 computer to login to an SDS 940 computer at Stanford Research Institute at Stanford University in Silicon Valley.

31st October 2019