
No national goal has been set for how the National Broadband Network should provide competitive advantage for Australian small or medium enterprises (SMEs) participating in the global digital economy. This paper proposes robust national goals for how the NBN should serve both our digital society and our digital economy. From this perspective it considers the merits of merging NBN Co with InfraCo.

September 2019


Australia’s politics, insular policies and categorisation of fixed telecommunications as a natural monopoly have made Australia a global laggard in the provision of broadband services. The return of government ownership of telecoms infrastructure in the form of the National Broadband Network and the continuing lack of investment in fibre infrastructure highlight the political and policy failures.

December 2018


This paper provides an introduction to telecommunications policy in Canada, outlining the regulatory and legislative environment governing the provision of telecommunications services in the country and describing basic characteristics of its retail telecommunications services market. Drawing from regulatory and policy documents, the focus is on broad trends, central policy objectives and major players involved in Canada?s telecommunications infrastructure.

December 2017


This paper presents a critical review of recommendations contained within the recent paper: Gul, Sarkar & Gutierrez, 2016 in relation to changes to existing telecommunications legislation and regulations in New Zealand.

September 2017


This paper takes the approach that industry developments, the structure of governmental decision-making bodies, and policy responses are interdependent and mutually shaped. How ministries and regulatory bodies are designed and put together affects both their policy outlooks and managerial capabilities, in turn affecting their policy output. Governments have also consciously restructured ministries and regulators in order to promote specific policy orientations, or in response to changes in the...

December 2016


This article reviews the development and progress of the Korean telecommunications industry. A brief history of Korean telecommunications is provided. The government?s role as a key player within industry and relevant policy is analysed. An analysis of the market competition and regulation systems as well as customer protections is conducted. IoT and 5G technologies are introduced to enable Korea to continue leading the global market.

December 2016


It would be wrong to expect either market or legislative stability in the telecommunications industry given the rapidly changing technology and the demands of users. Whilst stability may not be achievable there are aspects of telecommunications competition policy that are broken. Now is not the time to take an axe to the telecommunications competition legislation.

December 2016


It would be wrong to expect either market or legislative stability in the telecommunications industry given the rapidly changing technology and the demands of users. Whilst stability may not be achievable there are aspects of telecommunications competition policy that are broken. Now is not the time to take an axe to the telecommunications competition legislation.

December 2016


Australia is facing numerous challenges in its attempt to upgrade its telecom infrastructure. This paper summarises the little-known and even less understood history of telecom development in the USA. The authors believe this may provide useful ideas for Australian telecom policy and development that have not yet been considered. 

June 2016


The results of ACCAN?s 2013 Affordability Forum are provided. A joint ACCAN-Anglicare Victoria research project shows that 6% of Anglicare?s clients in Victoria were deprived of all forms of telecommunications and 45% had only had one form of telecommunication service. A range of affordability policy ideas outlined at the forum are dkiscussed, with an emphasis on reforming the universal service obligation in the era of the national broadband network.

November 2013