Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy
Ergas and Fels say increased copyright burden on ISPs will lead to higher prices
Optus 10 and Jabiru-2 satellites launched
Allen Lew back in Australia as new Optus CEO
Telco complaints fall again ? industry congratulates itself
? hey, not so fast, says ACCAN
Opposition grows to scrapping of community TV
? while AMTA welcomes spectrum review
ACMA outsources numbering management
Morrow defends NBN rollout in Tasmania, signs new contracts
Quickflix challenges Netflix to play fair
'J'accuse!' Kim Dotcom vs the Kiwi PM
? It would have cost $15 billion to shut down the NBN, says Turnbull
? ? and blames Labor for TPG cherry picking
? Economuse on Vertigan?s cost benefit analysis
BT snares giant global contract with Glencore
ACMA warns telcos on compliance 28
Cisco announces 'next generation' firewall
The Government wants to Google you
ACCAN launches digital business kit
? and Telstra launches accessibility initiatives
Turnbull supports multi stakeholder Internet
Ericsson acquires cloud video vendor Fabrix
? and exits the modem business
Victoria Police can alter data on your PC
Atmail picks Los Angeles for US expansion
Wearables market to boom, says Gartner
Fast Internet on planes a step closer
? Telcos rush to sell iPhone 6
? ? as presales break record
? The madness of King and George
? OPINION Why all the fuss? And who cares about U2?